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May 19th 2019
While @yougov was the outlier in the 2017 General Election, it was also the closest to picking the final result, mainly because they picked the upswing in turnout among young people. /2
While the latest UK poll results vary wildly (especially wrt #EuropeanElection2019) the trend is clear - disastrous for @Conservatives, worsening for @UKLabour and miraculous for @brexitparty_uk (aka @Nigel_Farage). /3
Read 14 tweets
May 19th 2019
1/ Bad start to the journey to #Prague... I seem to be breaking #Germany 🤣💔🇩🇪 DB train delayed (again!!) by 45 mins & the escalator broke when I was on it... Let's hope I make it to the @PulseofEurope event eventually!! 😬🇨🇿🇪🇺 #EUsupergirlTour #TheFutureisEurope
2/ Yesss! #EUsupergirl finally makes it to #Prague! And I was met with a splendid pro EU event in the centre of the old Town! Music and speeches - everything we could want to promote Europe before #EuropeanElections2019 🇪🇺 #ThisTimeImVoting #EUsupergirlTour #TheFutureisEurope
3/ I met a lady who has been part of a pro Ukraine demonstration today, she told me the threat the country is under from Russia & how they aspire to become an EU member state 🇪🇺 Europe is an ASPIRATIONAL vision! #TheFutureisEurope #EUsupergirlTour @PulseofEuropeCZ
Read 15 tweets
May 19th 2019
Remember why we want to stay in the heart of the EU where we belong making decisions and developing the project with our partners? Here are some things we have achieved together

Euratom works for all of us to deliver treatment in our times of great medical need
A small detail but extremely useful to keep our friends and families and businesses just a click away when we are travelling within the EU
Our biggest benefit, FOMis a personal freedom we can’t get anywhere else in the world. It’s so envied across the globe that other trading blocs in the world are trying to adopt similar schemes for their own citizens.
Read 7 tweets
May 18th 2019
In #Milan ahead of European elections #LePen tells me if she and #Salvini succeed in plan to change European Union into Europe of (independent) Nations, she‘s sure UK will change mind about Leave want to join #EuropeanElections2019 #Brexit /1
In Milan today #LePen and #Salvini will announce a new Parliamentary group ahead of Euro elex - „putting citizens first“ she says „protecting them against being „swamped by illegal migration“ „toughening security of citizens“ „protecting them from globalisation and islamism“ /2
I asked #LePen if she’d changed her mind about the EU (she once wanted Frexit. Now campaigns for a new pan-European party to sit in EU Institution .. Her answer was to list for me countless reasons why she still dislikes EU. Then added she could keep going for another 3 hours /3
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May 15th 2019
At CDU event in Berlin ahead of #EuropeanElections2019 Their slogan: „For Germany’s Future. Our Europe“. Lots of warnings about „populism“ and mentions of CDU legend Helmut Kohl - a true EU believer - who said „the evil ghosts of the past had not been silenced for good“ /1
Event rather lacklustre. CDU activist Gabrielle told me the party risked a reputation of being fusty dusty. She takes seriously rumours that European elections could unseat Merkel‘s government if centre-left coalition partners perform badly, then leave to go into opposition /2
Vanessa - 26yrs old -admitted to me that she’s the only CDU supporter amongst her peers but says all of them think EU is their future, they just prefer other political parties. She brought her parents along tonight to encourage them to vote in #EuropeanElections2019 /3
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May 14th 2019
I ❤️ that EU membership:

- gives me the right to work, live, love, holiday in 27 other member states.
- demands higher standards protecting consumer rights
- has improved environmental protections
- protects my rights as a worker
- improves animal welfare
...created hundreds of thousands of jobs in manufacturing and services thanks to FOM, CU and SM
- increases living standards, prosperity and opportunities
- allows for students to experience other cultures and opportunities through its Erasmus programme
- invests in culture, infrastructure and regeneration programmes benefitting all
- provides security through cooperation and data-sharing protecting us all
- allows for unparalleled innovation in science, medicine and research through numerous agencies sharing expertise
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2019
This is why Nigel Farage's Brexit Party is going to deepen the divide in British society. #EuropeanElections2019
I respect Brexit voters WAY more than Trump voters.
There's nothing racist about leaving the EU, but due to the racism of its leaders, many non-racist Brexit voters were called racist.

HOWEVER, Trump said racist/sexist/bigoted things, so they voted for a racist sexist bigot.
The Brexit Party has no manifesto. So the top authority on what that party actually is, is the leader, who's a racist (SEE PROOF BELOW OR SHHH!).
So a vote for the Brexit Party is a vote for racism.
Yet non-racists are going to vote for him anyway because it's the "Brexit Party".
Read 4 tweets
May 5th 2019
Nigel Farage shouldn't be allowed to say he wants to "stop discrimination against people from India etc" (migration) when his Brexit campaign was about stopping people coming from Asian countries even though they had NOTHING TO DO WITH BREXIT!
#Ridge @SophyRidgeSky @RidgeOnSunday
COME ON! We have 2 weeks to save the UK from becoming the "Farage country" in the eyes of the world. If he wins the #EuropeanElections2019
a) We're leaving with May's deal
b) Millions of Non-Racist Brits will have voted for a racist party so the conversation will get MUCH worse
I am a nobody who went from zero to 160,000 because I exposed what this man is. It's in the media's INTEREST to do the same.
So do it!!
Read 3 tweets
May 5th 2019
"If you're interested, & I'll fund it somehow, I think you're the perfect guy, what we'd like to do is help knit together a populist nationalist movement throughout the world."

Bannon talking to @Nigel_Farage re alliance with Orban, Sisi, Modi & Duterte.
“Paradoxically, this generation of populist nationalists leads the way on international political cooperation.”

@Elif_Safak adds more to #Bannon’s list: Erdoğan in Turkey, Abascal in Spain, Salvini in Italy & far right parties in Poland, France & Austria.…
This was filmed in 2017 & is taken from the new documentary about Bannon, @TheBrinkFilm.

There's a moment in this clip when Farage looks towards the camera, clearly thinking: "I'm being filmed conspiring with a far-right extremist. If this ever gets out it won't look good."
Read 28 tweets
May 4th 2019
There is a big and obvious thing that happened in #LocalElections2019 - a surge of support for #remain parties - and it is real.But there is a smaller thing creating a more confusing picture. A theory .... 1/n (picture source @guardian ) #Brexit
The smaller thing is that Labour is doing better in areas that are remain and worse in its strong areas that are #leave. This is a paradox as you would expect the opposite if this was driven by a #RemainBacklash.
And the Tories are the opposite. They are being punished in their areas that are remain. Is this just a plague on both your houses and reveal nothing about voters and #brexit? I don't believe so. And here's my theory.
Read 11 tweets
May 2nd 2019
If you voted Brexit because the political class has failed to give a crap about the struggle of life in your area for decades...
A man who says he doesn't mind if Brexit makes you poorer is not your friend.
If you voted Brexit because you care deeply about the NHS, because you know it's one of the best things about the UK, as it shows we all care about each other enough to give a little so everyone is OK...
A man who wants to scrap the NHS is not your friend.
If you voted Brexit because you could see the UK needed fixing...
A man who responds to a nurse who's panicking about the impact of Brexit on the NHS staffing crisis by saying "Brexit was never gonna solve any of our domestic problems" is not your friend.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
He chose not to respond so allow me:
Due to the fact that EU countries make laws together and have a system of mutual recognition in areas where the EU hasn't made laws...
Anything made in the UK is automatically legal to sell across Europe* without costly adaptations or checks.
Can Chinese companies sell anything made legally in China in the EU? No Can the companies of every other country in the world do that? No

So what does that say about anyone who said all countries have access to the Single Market?
The Single Market isn't just some fancy term the EU invented to describe its economy. It means that if you're in it, you can trade with EU countries as if you were trading within your own SINGLE country. The same laws apply so no adaptation costs.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 27th 2019
If the only insult you have for the @LibDems is based on a decision that was made 9 years ago, by a leader that is no longer in politics, then you need to get out more. Seriously.
This isn't about voting for a government. It is not about decisions made, many years ago. It is about making a remain statement in the #EuropeanElections2019
Look, I was NO fan of the coalition. I think people praise it when I think it started us on the path we are on today. It's austerity is STILL not over. But I also accept that 1 LDs were juniors and 2 every govt has a stick you can beat them with.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 25th 2019
You can't argue that we should vote to leave the EU on the basis of getting a proper trade deal, and then complain that we haven't left the EU without one.
That includes you Nigel Farage.
When you passionately defended the idea of leaving the EU and staying in the Single Market, you lost the right to say we should leave without a deal.
In fact, you made it morally disgusting for yourself to do so.
#BrexitParty #EuropeanElections2019
That includes @DominicRaab.
Dominic Raab said the idea of leaving the EU without a deal was scaremongering.
He wasn't even talking about the damage from no deal; Dominic Raab said the very concept of leaving without a deal was Project Fear
Read 3 tweets
Apr 24th 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the "Brexit Party" at least say which Brexit it wants?
Some say No Deal but prod for even a sec and they say No Deal's only temporary.
1) You're arguing for No Deal on the basis of getting a deal, which is 🤪
2) How has "getting a deal" gone so far? Will we be stronger if we're the only economy in the world with no local trade deals?
I don't know about you but a party which doesn't define its central and titular objective, but seeks your vote anyway, and is led by this man.... seems like one we should be a little worried about.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2019
When #NigelFarage left #UKIP he started to re-invent himself. He's not talking about immigration any more. He's talking about being the saviour of democracy, and leaving UKIP to be the extremists. He's trying to attract a more moderate voter. The polls seem to show this working
I wonder, if he does well if the #EuropeanElections2019 and the #Brexit mess in Parliament continues, it might give some #ERG members the confidence to cross the floor. Will they have confidence that they can re-elected on a #BrexitParty ticket.
That would then likely cause a general election as the government would not be able to pass anything. The #Conservatives would not have time to sort out a new leader so #TheresaMay could end up leading them into it. They could get slaughtered.
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Apr 19th 2019
Nigel Farage thread:
#EuropeanElections2019 #BrexitParty
He lied about immigration to win the Brexit vote and only came clean after:
Nigel Farage admits he doesn't really mind if Brexit makes British people poorer.
Nigel Farage: "Brexit was never going to solve any of our domestic problems"
Read 10 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
These people... For God's sake! We let them WIN the #EuropeanElections in 2014! And they're the ones who pressured Cameron to call the referendum. Our country is being shaped in their image!

(Carl Benjamin refuses to apologise!)
What the hell is happening to our politics?!?
"Carl Benjamin"

Don't be fooled: Farage is trying to pretend he's a moderate now with his new Brexit Party, and that UKIP is now too extreme for him, but he was just better at making it look respectable than Gerard Batten is.
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Apr 18th 2019
THREAD of things about Nigel Farage that should already be public knowledge ahead of the #EuropeanElections2019.
Dear Media, DO YOUR JOB!
1⃣ He lied about immigration AND ADMITTED it.
2016: There's nothing we can do to stop unlimited people from EU countries coming to this country and enjoying the same rights & privileges as all the rest of us.
2017: There are restrictions that can be placed
2⃣ Nigel Farage has almost blatantly expressed that he's not concerned with whether Brexit makes us poorer.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 13th 2019
So, where are we today? Overall I would say that the #Labour #Corbyn strategy is working well, and is likely to see Jez in No. 10 at some point in the next year or just over a year.
The #Conservatives are experiencing what looks to me rather like damage ERM crisis did to them in autumn 1992. Have lost 13 points (!) with @YouGov in just six weeks. Bear in mind that experience shows that such falls get worse for some time - could be headed v low.
The moment MV3 failed to pass was a clarifying one, and therefore welcome here - had been wondering for years what was keeping the CON score so high. It was #Brexit. We're now at 50/50 whether it even happens. They will struggle to recover.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 13th 2019
Only 34% of us turned up to the last #EuropeanElections.
The consequence of that was that Nigel Farage became the face of the UK.
So despite us having 3 times the average number of MEPs, Mr "Destroy the EU" wasted our influence then told us we had none.

THIS is where your vote actually counts!
#EuropeanElections2019 #ProportionalRepresentation
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Sep 5th 2018
Europe is at a turning point. #EuropeanElections2019 will decide the future of the EU. Today is about the self-assertion of Europe and the defence of our values, because we are being challenged from the outside & the inside. It’s about the survival of our #EuropeanWayOfLife. 1/3
We cannot go on as we are now in the EU. I will help bring Europe back to the people and re-establish the bond between citizens and the European Union. I want to kick start a new chapter in the EU. #bettereurope #givepeopleasay #FutureOfEurope 2/3
I want to become the @EPP's lead candidate for the 2019 European Elections and be the next President of the European Commission. Europe needs a new beginning and more democracy. #Spitzenkandidaten 3/3
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