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Jan 18th 2023
#UVGI #disinfection method kills or inactivates #microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their #DNA
- It's wonderful that Mr. Zero O'Hönö and Jauho-Marin obeyed the order to spend at least 3 minutes #sterilizing in the room before going to the meeting hall. ImageImage
#Sunlight spectrum contains strong #ultaviolet radiation. (#UV Light Is Safe for Humans but Bad for #Bacteria and #Viruses)
1940s UV Light Documentary: Ultraviolet Light Educational Film (For Dummies)
CharlieDeanArchives | 18.2.2013
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Nov 29th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/29/2021…
FBI investigates 'smallpox' vials found in Pennsylvania lab…

#smallpox #laboratories #InvestigationResults
A Cold Start To Thanksgiving Week Will Spawn Climate Change Illiteracy…

#WeatherConditions #forecasts #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateLiteracy #SocialMedia
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Nov 13th 2021
"I am convinced that immunizing young #children [] will lead to a tsunami of #autoimmune diseases." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist

Don't think for 1 sec. that the #pharmaceutical industry is unaware of the implications as outlined by V. Bossche.

"We cannot, we should not, under NO condition, vaccinate any child." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, #virologist

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks in #children - Geert Vanden Bossche speaks

Full presentation:

April 10, 2019: "Why Are #Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?"

"It’s not so much our cleanliness but our increasingly #industrial lifestyle that is blocking the intake of these important #microorganisms."…
Read 7 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/06/2021…
Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component for persistent soil organic carbon…

#ParticulateOrganicMatter #SoilCarbon #microorganisms
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Feb 12th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/12/2021…
Large-scale commodity farming accelerating climate change in the Amazon…

#ClimateChange #forest #farm
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Feb 12th 2021
Hola! my name is Ale (they/she) and I'm taking part in the #GlobalScienceShow
Today I'll be showing you some of my works about my exploration of the microbial world with drawings! 🦠
Check @GlobalSciShow to follow the whole show🤩

#scicomm #divulgarciencia #comunicacienciachile
I did my PhD in marine #microbiology and now I draw #scicomm comics/zines and cartoons (and a tiny bit of animations) in Spanish&English, to highlight the diversity of the microbial world 🦠and people in STEM✨,
including #queerinstem #bipocinstem
Here a bio-reel👇🏾
The big majority of planet is microscopic and they have a key role in the ecosystem, biogeochemical cycles and evolution of living organisms! 🦠
Our microbial world is huge and amazing!🤩
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Aug 2nd 2019
Just published: Team uses mNGS + culture-based techniques + negative controls 👉 Identify fungi + bacteria in complex communities in the first pass meconium (stool) of infants☝️Indicates that the neonatal gut microbiome starts to form in the womb:…
2/2 The organisms they identified colonizing the fetal #intestine prior to birth 👉 were identified in the meconium of both term-born and #preterm newborns☝️And machine learning suggested that #fungal gut communities develop in complexity w/ advancing gestational age at birth.
3/3 Quote from paper 👉 “The demonstration of live #microorganisms in the #newborn gut represents a monumental shift from the sterile #womb hypothesis that dominated perinatal biology for the last century...”
Read 7 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
Incredibly important hypothesis piece published today 👉 “Proposed here is a theory that #microorganisms from within the #brain and elsewhere in the body contribute to the long-term #neurological deterioration characteristic of traumatic brain injury”:…
From paper 👉 1. “First, since the normal human #brain is not sterile, but is host to a variety of microorganisms, blows to the #skull may dislodge them from their accustomed local environments, in which they have been living in quiet equilibrium with neighboring #brain cells”
2. “2nd, upon impact commensal #microbes already resident on surfaces of the nose, mouth + eyes, and potentially harmful organisms from the environment, may gain access to the #brain through the distal ends of the olfactory + optic #nerves or even a disrupted blood-brain barrier”
Read 6 tweets
Mar 7th 2019
This paper summarizes a wealth of studies which show a growing link b/t #periodontal (oral) pathogens and systemic diseases 👉 ...including cardiovascular disease, GI #cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and (very importantly!) adverse pregnancy outcomes:… Image
For example 👉 “Respiratory #pathogens isolated from dental plaque and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from the same patients...were shown to be genetically the same, which reinforces the view that #dental plaque could serve as a significant reservoir for #respiratory pathogens”
Or this study 👉 in which oral pathogen F. nucleatum was found in higher numbers in human #colonic adenomas relative to surrounding tissues and in #stool samples from patients with colorectal carcinoma:… Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 24th 2019
Thanks to everyone who alerted me abt this study! 👉 Oral #pathogen p. gingivalis + the toxic enzymes (gingipains) it creates...were identified in the #Alzheimer’s brain☝️P. gingivitis was also found in the #spinal fluid of living people with Alzheimer’s
Cortexyme (the company doing the #Alzheimer’s trial) also developed molecules that block p. gingivalis gingipains 👉 Giving these molecules to mice reduced their #infections, halted #amyloid production + lowered brain inflammation ☝️(Very cool new #treatment possibility!)
One thing: As interesting as the findings are, I suspect p. gingivalis is just one of several #microorganisms that may “work together” to drive #Alzheimer’s pathology 👉 (In other words I still think infection in Alzheimer’s is #polymicrobial)
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