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May 2nd 2023
@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@MikkonenKrista #Islamistit ja lapsensa eivät kokaan tule kristittyyn maahan 'kotoutumaan' tai 'sopeutumaan, vaan tuhoamaan ja tappamaan - Insallah.
#Soros #Jihadists without IDs were attracted to #Finland with the #best #socialbenefits in #Europe.
@MikkonenKrista #MILITIAMEN INFILTRATE EU SHORES | Nov 19, 2019
- Miltias who have used the Refugee influx to present themselves as #Refugees Image
Read 30 tweets
May 9th 2022
Something really bizarre not highlighted by Western media: #Russia could target #Kiev, #Zelensky and the western delegations visiting him anytime with missiles. However, Russia is choosing not to do this. Ask yourself: why?
On the contrary, the #US, #NATO and #Israel never hesitate to target high level officials during their bombing campaigns even if it means having to fake an apology later or no apology at all. US/NATO hunted and killed Qaddafi, never apologized for this, even boasted about it.
It is said that #Putin was disgusted and horrified by the way #Qaddafi was killed.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 20th 2018
1) #NicolasSarkozy was #France’s president 2007-2012, was arrested & is being questioned about his illegally financed campaign by #Gaddafi in #Libya, some backstory.

How did Sarkozy go from accepting #illegal cash to advocating overthrow?

#QAnon #Corruption @POTUS #FRA #LeMonde
2) A total of $50m was funneled. And it wasn't done via wire transfer. Franco-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takkiedine claims he carried suitcases full of cash in 2006 and 2007.

$50m is double the legal campaign limit in France.…

#QAnon #TheStormIsHere
3) This story is not new. Here is an article from it back in 2014.…

#Sarkozy is a corrupt #swamp rat. He's been dogged by corruption claims forever. A simple search will show a laundry list.

#qanon #DrainTheSwamp #France #Corruption
Read 14 tweets

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