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#ItsDone #SunakBomba N°2.
cc: @ Circonscripti18
#Russian intelligence confirms that the #NATO-#Ukrainian #terrorist regime is preparing to seize the #Zaporizhzhia #NPP by crossing the #Dnieper. This was also announced by the PDT of the "We are with Russia" movement V. #Rogov ImageImageImage
Next #FalseFlag in the #HeavenlyJerusalem - #Zaporizhzhia.
#Satanic #Zionists do not care about the lifes of the #goyims, cuz according to the #Talmud they are comparable to #insects and must be eliminated.

- #AshkeNAZI #Zelensky at #MSC: "#AtomicBomb" Image
Chapter II.
#Christians are to be #Exterminated
- Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed #Indirectly
- Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed #Directly

#mRNA-#WEF-#UkraineWAR-#WW3 Revelation 3 9 Look at thos...The Talmud Unmasked  [The S...
Read 22 tweets
🪂💰 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 - 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐳𝐤𝐄𝐕𝐌

Ready to soar to new heights of financial success? Join the #airdrop journey and get ready to secure your spot in the moon! 🪂💰

#joinairdrops #CryptoGains #OpportunityKnocks #Polygon #zkEVM
That's fantastic news! Polygon's recent achievement of raising an impressive $450 million from renowned investors like Sequoia Capital, Animoca Brands, Disney Accelerator, and others is a testament to its promising future in the blockchain space. 💰 #InvestmentSuccess Image
The co-founder of Polygon @sandeepnailwal has recently dropped a tantalizing hint about an upcoming airdrop on Twitter. This could be an incredible opportunity for crypto enthusiasts and Polygon supporters to be rewarded for their loyalty. #PolygonAirdrop #CryptoCommunity Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 1:
1/ #RussianVolunteerCorps actions in #Bryansk

“We are #Russians, and we are not #Russians”: what is known about the “#RussianVolunteerCorps

@CrimeanWind, of #Telegram, background report on #Russian ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Partisans…
Mar 1:
3/ #RussianVolunteerCorps in #Bryansk

..representatives adhere to right-wing views & #Claim to have traveled the entire #FrontLine.

#Russian #Volunteer #Corps founder, #DenisKapustin (#Nikitin)..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine…
Read 37 tweets
#US Moves Flying #Nuclear Command Post to #Iceland (Home of TID) | March 1, 2023
- The #E6B #Mercury air command post has landed in Iceland to conduct operations in Washington’s #European Command zone…
The #US is preparing a trap for us in #Ukraine for an inevitable “#postponed war” | Feb 28
- #Nuland: seriously discussing with allies.. sending to #Kyiv fifth-generation multipurpose fighter-bombers #F35.… Image
#TikTok-#Nazis. Proxy Of #Ukrainian #Intelligence Directorate Claimed Responsibility For #Bloody PR Operation In #Russia | Mar 2
- all these crimes were committed so that Ukrainian TikTok warriors could film a seconds-long video on the Russian territory. Image
Read 27 tweets
#besiktas , 2010 yazından bu yana 149 transfer yaptı.
Bu dönemde 4 Büyükler ortalaması ise 161.
Siyah-Beyazlılarda gelen oyuncuların yaş ortalaması 26,09.
4B ortalaması ise 25,84.
Beşiktaş'a bu yaz 13 oyuncu geldi. Devre arası 1'den fazla gelirse, dönemin sayı rekoru kırılacak.
149 transferin 72'si satın alma, 22'si bedelli 22'si bedelsiz 44 kiralama yapıldı. 33 adet de bedelsiz kesin transfer var.
Satın alınan 72 oyuncuya karşılık 32 oyuncu satılabilmiş.
155,8 milyon € harcandı. 4 Büyükler arasında en düşük harcama.
Harcamada ilk tercih, 21-23 yaş grubu oldu(%29). 24-26 yaşa da 40m € üstü harcandı.
Yabancı oyunculara 115m(%74) harcanırken yerlilere 21, ülke dışında yetişmiş TC pasaportlu oyunculara ise 20m € harcandı.
Read 20 tweets
#MiCA was not the only proposal completed last week, as 🇪🇺 institutions also finalised the Transfers-of-Funds Regulation (TFR).

The #TFR is meant to implement the @FATFWatch's #travelrule for transfers of #cryptoassets in the EU.

As always, check our 🧵for details:

First, a bit of #context:

The original Transfers-of-Funds Regulation was established in 2015 and introduced the requirement for financial institutions to accompany each #transfer of funds with verified information about the originator and beneficiary of the transfer.

As part of its 2020 Action Plan on preventing #moneylaundering and #terrorism financing, the @EU_Commission put forward a legislative proposal for a recast of the original #TFR text with the main objective of expanding traceability requirements to crypto-assets.

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Aufregung um #Italien - Statt uns darüber aufzuregen, sollten wir uns klar machen, dass es auch für Deutschland legitim ist, eigene Interessen zu verfolgen (nein, nicht wie die AfD das versteht!). Wie ist die Lage? Ein paar Punke: 1/2
1. #Italien ist ein wirtschaftlich trotz aller Schweirigkeiten und des relativen Niedergangs ein starkes Land. @heimbergecon weisst darauf zurecht immer wieder hin: und hat recht damit 2/3
2.Wobei ich ihm bezüglich der Vermögen widerspreche, die Italiener haben relativ zur Wirtschaftsleistung deutlich mehr Vermögen (aber selbst wenn sie nur gleich viel hätten, würde es nichts an der folgenden Argumentation ändern) 3/4
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62/bbr “The J curve of Institutional reform” (2020)… showed that anti-black money crusade can’t b sustained w/o Institutional reform. Corruption is a systemic problem in India(origin Bureaucratic Socialism) & can only b solved by policy+institutional reform
63/bbr This is encouraging, but more needs to be done wrt #EODB/#EORC and to translate the policy reforms announced during last 3 yrs into rules, regulations & simpler procedures for producers & exporters.…
Read 17 tweets

Teil 2: Was machen jetzt die Mieten?


Miete steigen, wo #Knappheit zulegt. Wird #Zahlungsfähigkeit überschritten, hilft #Transfer oder sinkt #Wohnqualität. Wo Miete nicht ausreichend steigt, drückt #Zinsanstieg Kaufpreis.

1. Hintergrund

Zusammen mit womöglich explodierenden #Heizkosten könnte der abgewürgte #Bauzyklus zu erheblichen sozialen Konflikten führen.

Mieten bleiben v.a. dadurch bezahlbar und Mietbelastungen tragbar, weil die nominalen #Einkommen im Laufe des Zyklus ansteigen.

2. Aktuelle Beobachtung: Trendumbruch bei Mieten

In Q2 zeigen sich zwei Trendbrüche: inserierte Preise für ETW steigen im Durchschnitt weniger als zuvor, inserierte Mieten stärker. Kein Trendbruch bei Eigenheimen (vgl. Abbildung).

/3 Image
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Mereka tidak hanya menerima Bitcoin, tetapi juga cryptocurrency berikut: Mereka juga bekerja untuk memperkenalkan Cardano (ADA) dan Binance Coin (BNB) dalam waktu dekat, selain itu. Transfer melalui Kawat. #transfer…
Fleksibilitas untuk menggunakan transfer kawat, wesel, dan cek bank akan menarik bagi mereka yang lebih memilih untuk beroperasi lebih langsung dengan bank. Pemain dapat menggunakan akun keuangan mereka sendiri.…

Yang sangat nyaman.
Biaya Tidak Termasuk, Solusi perbankan lainnya membebankan biaya tambahan, sedangkan cryptocurrency tidak. Mesin Slot dengan Emas Irlandia, Irish Gold adalah slot online Play n Go tiga gulungan.
Read 7 tweets
Using @RoamResearch after exploring @logseq, I desperately miss page tags. I want to tag the entire contents of this page #transfer, so that I can later search for eg. (and [[transfer]] [[perception]]). I refuse to put a bullet with #transfer on top and nest everything below.
The infuriating thing is that in theory, top-level attributes in Roam should be able to play this role. However, you can't query for them. I was tweeting about this two years ago - no improvement.

In Logseq, you can add top level tags and query for them.
The image I was going to attach
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THREAD on Friday's parliamentary crisis in #Mogadishu and broadly #Somalia's existing #electoral turmoil. I discuss what happened, and towards the end, I offer a possible electoral solution for a way forward. 1/17
At stake are two issues: did #Speaker #Mursal and opposition MPs follow the parliamentarian procedures, and does the speaker have the authority, under the parliament's rules & regulations, to suspend the 15 opposition MPs for 5 seating? Second, where do we go from here? 2/17
The speaker cited Art. 16 (1,2); Art. 18 (a, b); Art. 19 - 1 (b, c, d, e, f, g) & Art. 28-5 (n). Most of the above articles deal with the speaker's powers, the deputies, and governs' behaviors/conduct of legislators when parliament is in session. 3/17
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/01/2020…
The emergence of strategic capitalism: Geoeconomics, corporate statecraft and the repurposing of the global economy | FIIA – Finnish Institute of International Affairs…

#economy #emergence #capitalism
Back to Basics — Values Transfer into Intelligent Systems through Conway’s Law | It's About Empathy – Connection Ties Us Together…

#empathy #basics #values #ties #connection #transfer #law #systems
Read 8 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Thread on learning points from our Cat1 CS #COVID19_Sim @OUHospitals today. Phenomenal engagement from across so many departments: Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Neonatology, Midwifery, Threatre, Scrub, Infection Control, Portering, Domestics & @OxSTaRCentre. This was crucial 💫
#PPI We had an actor for the first part of the simulation. This allowed us to capture the woman’s perspective. Cat 1 CS is stressful- as reported by our actor. The Obs & MW team were amazing at continuously communicating and reassuring where appropriate despite muffled mask.
#PPE: it needs repeated practice. 1) Be aware of opening doors and contaminating two sides of the door -it is very easy. 2) Try not to wipe your nose/face on your shoulder. 3) How to make donning efficient?(reciprocal buddy?)
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#FBR اگر واقعی ٹیکس نیٹ بڑھانا چاھتی ہے اور اگر حلومتِ وقت واقعی ملک کی خاطر ٹیکس کلیکشن میں اضافہ چاھتی ہے تو بینک میں موجود پیسوں کی انفارمیشن لینے کی بیوقوفی کو چھوڑ دے کیونکہ اس سے کچھ حاصل نہیں ہوگا الٹا لوگ بینکوں میں پیسہ رکھنا مزید کم کر دینگے۔

جس کی وجہ سے ملک کو اور نقصان اور مسائل کا سامنہ کرنا پر سکتا ہے جو اس وقت مناسب نہیں۔اگر ہم واقعی ملک کی بہتری چاھتے ہیں تو #FBR اور @pid_gov فِل فور ایکشن لے اور ملک میں موجود تمام #DHA_Falcon ،#NavalSocieties ، #AskariSocieties کے پلاٹس اور فلیٹس کا ڈیٹا حاصل کریں۔

ہم سب جانتے ہیں کہ عوام کی ایک بہت بڑی تعداد عموماً انھیں پلاٹس اور فلیٹس میں اپنا #BlackMoney انویسٹ کر دیتے ہیں کیونکہ یہ پلاٹس صرف ایک #Paper پر #Transfer کیا جاتا ہے، کسی کے 100 پلاٹ بھی ہوں تو صرف ایک #File میں سماء جاتے ہیں اور ریکاڑد بھی کہیں نہیں جاتا۔

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