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Mar 30th 2023
1/ 🌟 The future of DLT is all about microtransactions, microprocessing & micropayments. In this thread, we'll explore how @Conste11ation's HGTP & its network of dApps provide the perfect environment for #Web3 development. Let's dive in! 🚀
2/ 💸 Microtransactions: With HGTP, businesses can execute small, high-volume transactions seamlessly. This enables a new level of data monetization, creating fresh revenue streams & enhanced user experiences. #DLT #Microtransactions
3/ 🧠 Microprocessing: HGTP's efficient data processing system enables real-time analytics & decision-making. This empowers businesses to harness the power of data, driving innovation & competitive advantage. #Microprocessing #DataPower
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
If you missed it, Mark Cuban (@mcuban) dropped some NFT knowledge bombs on the @fullsend #Podcast.

As someone who was one of the first to create #streaming online, his #wisdom on emerging tech ecosystems is extremely relevant.

🧵👇 Image
You can catch the snippet where he breaks down his perspective here:

Below I’ve captured a recap and my thoughts on how you can interpret and apply this knowledge 🧵
1️⃣ #NFTs are like the @Apple AppStore when it first launched.

Do you know what the highest ranking #paid app was in 2008?

🐠 Koi Pond - an app that showed you virtual fish on your screen.

🧵 (1/17) Image
Read 19 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Es todo un honor para mí ser el MC de este evento en @CodemoMadrid enfocado a hablar de Web Performance ⚡️

"La Web Performance no es una moda"…

Regístrate!, es gratis, conoceremos a grandes cracks y aprenderemos muchas cosas 😊

#WebPerf #PerfCrafters 🧵
Mastering web performance metrics

📅 3 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @carlesnunez

#WebPerf #Performance #Metrics Image
SEO y Web Performance

📅 10 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @guaca

#WebPerf #Performance #SEO #WPO Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
Thread about $JUKE! [1/3]

💡 Projects with a real usecase get rare these days! With @CryptoJukebox I found a project which can fulfill this investment requirement!

#Crypto Jukebox is designed to make media more interactive, gamified & engaging!

You can't be earlier on this! 🔽
[2/3] $JUKE #usecase 🔑

🔹 #Decentralized #jukebox environment!
🔹 Marry jukebox invention w/ #blockchain!
🔹 #Jackpot, #burn, #staking, bonustiers!
🔹 All fees get distributed to contributors!

🔥 Audited @SolidityFinance 🔥

🌐 |
[3/3] $JUKE #presale 💰

🔹 Round 0 instantly filled 40 #BNB!
🔹 Round 1 with an instant 25% profit!
🔹 Round 2 completely open to public!
🔹 Only 200 $BNB to grab, better hurry!
🔹 Don't miss out! Get it @UNCX_token!

📅 Saturday, 4th December 12UTC 🔥
Read 3 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
Wie ich es mit #Krypto schaffe...die unendlichen Möglichkeiten des Web 4.0!

Viele fragen mich nach dem nächsten Tenbagger - #Shitcoin, dem nächsten Hype-#NFT oder generell...DEM nächsten Ding. Dabei kann jeder es schaffen. Selbstständig. Wie?

Die Möglichkeiten sind praktisch unendlich. Stellt euch das Internet in den 90ern vor. Dies ist die nächste Chance. Jedoch befreit von allen Kontrollen und Zensur, frei vom Einfluss des Kapitals. Freie Ideen und Gedanken in die Blockchain gegossen.

Es ist erst einmal schwer zu glauben: #Adaption ist ein Prozess. Vor 100 Jahren glaubte man nicht, dass man am offenen Herzen operieren, Frauen wählen oder kleine Bildschirme unser Leben bestimmen würden. Und nun sind wir hier.

Read 9 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
It's great to hear stories of #ranchi from @tripathyr If you are around follow @FLOblockchain and participate. If you have questions for @ranchimallFLO works on #blockchaintechnology Ask us.

@366PiTech is Happy to partner with @ranchimallFLO @bhartisushant @Sharma_Malavika
Join @tripathyr @JosephFiscella and the @FLOblockchain for the FLO podcast live on TWITCH TV: where we'll talk about @ranchimallflo and the software and business applications they're creating on FLO
#BlockchainContracts been discussed. @tripathyr responding to @JosephFiscella query on a) what Inc on Blockchain means and b) why plain text used for posting a message.

Blockchain contracts faciltates business activities. @ranchimallFLO
Read 20 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Chris Larsen
How digital assets are doing to change the world just like how shipping containers changed globalisation back in the 1950s.
#XRP #XRPthestandard #xrapid #globalisation
Chris Larsen
How interledger protocol help developing world
#mojaloop #gatefoundation #xrp #xrapid #xcurrent #ripple
Chris Larsen
Future of IOT - Internet Of Things - machine-to-machine payments as new use case, which will increase demand for digital assets.
#IOT #machinetomachine #payments #internetofvalue
Read 5 tweets

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