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Dec 28th 2022
The CDC was entirely warranted in requiring a negative test for all international travelers before departure from China, Hong Kong, or Macau. China has experienced explosive spread since abandoning its #ZeroCOVIDpolicy. This fully justifies the US response.
China can hardly complain because the government has conducted far harsher travel restrictions into China for nearly three years, including intrusive quarantines.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
1. Summary of audio of a man in #Beijing who fought for more than 43 hours to try to get a #cremation service for his dead family: during the 2-3 hours when I was waiting, 20 more bodied were sent in. Now the waiting time is over 30 days. If I want to jump the queue,
2. the cheapest price is 30K yuan ( $43100). They have the phone numbers of all crematoriums there. I called 4 of them, but none could be reached. I called the crematorium in Changping. They also said the waiting time is more than 30 days.
3. And they only accept local people. Now I may have to choose to pay 30K to jump the queue. They said the body can be cremated in 3-5 days if I pay 30K yuan.
#chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy
#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid
#XiJinping #CCP #China
Read 4 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
1/9 - “China is now facing what is likely the world's largest #COVID19 surge of the pandemic. China's public health officials say that possibly 800 Mn people could be infected with the coronavirus over the next few months.”…
2/9 - “That means about 10% of the planet's population may become infected over the course of the next 90 days.”
3/9 - “This surge is going to come very fast, unfortunately. That's the worst thing,"says Cowling, Hong Kong. "If it was slower, China would have time to prepare. But this is so fast. In Beijing, there's already a load of cases and in other cities because it's spreading so fast.”
Read 9 tweets
Dec 12th 2022…

Wegens een sterk groeiende ergernis en hier en daar wat stoom uit mijn oren, kom ik nog één keer terug op de opmerkingen van @ryhertzberger en @woukevscherrenb.

Want wie hun opmerkingen leest, moet wel tot de conclusie komen dat de evolutie...
...zijn beste producten al een tijdje geleden heeft afgeleverd, en dat deze al flink op zijn retour is.

Want deze vaginale kletskundige en journalistieke pseudoloog weten het te vertellen dat COVID-19 een 'hel' wordt in China.
Wat er zou 'een miljoen' Chinezen overlijden aan #COVID19 in de komende tijd. Zo zo.

Da's een heleboel. Volgens deze kwexperts.

Laten we eens kijken hoeveel Chinezen er eigenlijk in China wonen: Warempel, het zijn er 1,425,887,337
Read 22 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Now in #HongKong: More than a dozen turn out to show solidarity with Chinese protesters, joining calls to mourn victims of #UrumqiFire and support the nationwide demonstration with blank paper & candlelight silently. There are both Hongkongers and mainland Chinese here. ImageImageImageImage
As the number of protesters grows, police cordon some of the areas and warn of possible violation of social distancing rule, meanwhile filming the participants.
Less than 1.5hr since the protest has begun, the authorities sent cleaners to remove all the flowers, candlelights and all kinds of sheets. Police order protesters and bystanders not to stop at the corner.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
Urumchi is not Zhengzhou. I lived there for several years, observing and interviewing around many protests. I want to add some overlooked background to #UrumqiProtest conversation. Many dominant voices on the subject have never been there. 🧵

#Xinjiang #ZeroCovidChina #Uyghurs
@guardian / @Reuters quoted 1 respected political scientist but who does not research the region. Alternatively, many foreign and Uyghur experts who know the city are available, sharing videos and analysis on the capital city of their homeland.…
Bypassing experts guarantees ideological framings (“Chinese protest” & “civil society”), ignoring local dynamics where Han protestors often describe themselves as “vanguard” and Uyghurs died in a building fire under ethnically targeting and excessive covid controls.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 21st 2022



#vaccinepass #Resistance #Guadeloupe
#Guadeloupe #vaccinepass #generalstrike #Resistance

#vaccinepass #generalstrike #Resistance #Guadeloupe
Read 121 tweets

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