$84.7k - Empower Texans (46.6%)
$20k - Texas Right To Life (ET) (11%)
$13.4k - Constituents Focus (ETR) (7.4%)
$10k - Kyle Stallings (ET9) (5.5%)
$5.7k - Jonathan Stickland (ETR) (3.2%)

$5k - Stacy Hock (ETR) (2.7%)
$5k - Dick Saulsbury (ET9) (2.7%)
Just taking these top 7 donors to Slaton, who are ALL CONNECTED to the same group (Empower Texans), it makes up 79.1% of his total contributions.

- Tim Dunn (who is referencing the group)
- Windi Grimes
- Stacy Hock
- Jeff Sandefer
- Kyle Stallings
- Mayes Middleton (former)

Tim Dunn - $2.5m
Farris Wilks - $985k
Dan Wilks - $625k
Kyle Stallings - $378k
Mayes Middleton - $207k
Dick Saulsbury (and sons) - $167k
Holly Frost - $50k
Darlene Pendery - $50k
Monty Bennett - $20k

On the 88 Republicans, $22.3 million was raised. $253k per candidate
On the 42 Empower, $11.3 million was raised. $269k per candidate
That doesn't feel like 9:1 #txlege