We will deconstruct it for you, lie by lie, falsehood by falsehood, by tomorrow (Sunday) - stay tuned! 😉
The best source on how JA 'self-styles' himself wld be his Twitter profile, which stated (before his legal team took over amid the incommunicado):
'Publisher @Wikileaks; Political refugee'.

Note that only establishment types (incl. MSM such as @abcnews) find his publisher status 'controversial', mostly b/c it is part of the consent manufacturing...

First they call you a 'controversial publisher', & later a 'spy'.
Also, if you go by their logical, a publisher w/ a perfect record of authenticity of publications would be the 'controversial' one... 🙃
JA's asylum was granted by @MashiRafael's govt in August '12, after a little over 2 mths of review.
In May '18 a new president took office, @Lenin, who 1 week later called JA a... 'hacker'.

For more, this piece by former EC Foreign Minister:
That foes question JA's honesty, or suspect him of being at the root of all evil isn't a surprise in itself.
But to pretend that his friends are questioning his role in #Russiagate is preposterous.

Interestingly enough, not only the threat of expulsion came frm @Lenin himself, but the frmr EC consult to UK says the exact opposite.

Our previous thread on why the expulsion was unlikely:
According to @abcnews, #FakeNews #Russiagate may have "made some of [JA's] allies question their continued support".

The former Ecuadorian Consult in London gave details on that in an interview published two whole weeks before your slanderous article, @abcnews! WTF! 😂


Nice try, but U can't build facts on speculation or outright lies, @meekwire & @ajdukakis... or U need to show us the evidence! 😉


wikileaks.org/podesta-emails… [PDF]
BTW, if U think our suspicions over Deep State involvement in the article's writing/editing & accusations toward @meekwire & @ajdukakis are outlandish, watch this: