Day 555 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 342 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There were more than 38,000 gun deaths in 2016. Almost 23,000 of those were suicide.
Research very strongly suggests that reducing access to guns will drastically reduce those deaths. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
A 12-year-old Iowa boy pointed a gun at his teacher's face and pulled the trigger, but the safety was on.…
Today was the first White House press briefing since August 23rd.
Per @alex_mallin this was the longest period since Trump took office without a single W.H. official being made available to take questions on camera.…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions to immigration judges: Immigrants' attorneys are like "water seeping through an earthen dam to get around the plain words" of the law
"It is sickening to see the United States government looking for ways to jail more children for longer," said Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project.…
Families who were separated at the border by the Trump admin and then reunited with their children say they're suffering deep emotional wounds and want the U.S. government to pay for mental health treatment.
Mesa Southwest Key employee convicted on sex charges against migrant children
Despite the US president's ongoing stream of praise for Kim Jong Un, the newest intelligence shows Kim's regime has escalated efforts to conceal its nuclear activity, according to three senior US officials.
China moves closer to North Korea and Iran as they struggle with the U.S.…
Bob Woodward: "I've never seen an instance when [Trump] is so detached from the reality of what's going on."
"The things — some of the things — that Trump did and does jeopardizes the real national security," Woodward said.…
The striking thing about Woodward's perspective: he seems genuinely worried -- not about what Trump might do to him, but about what Trump might do to the country.
Bob Woodward's publisher says it's already printing 1,000,000 copies of 'Fear,' making it one of the biggest publishing success stories of the year.
"We have reprinted six times for a total of seven to meet extraordinary demand."…
“You’ve always been fair.” — Donald Trump to Bob Woodward, 8/14/2018
As Trump tweets about Bob Woodward, Woodward tells @SavannahGuthrie that Kelly and Mattis are not telling the truth in their denials of comments reportedly made in “Fear.” @TODAYshow

@KellyannePolls: Anonymous NYT op-ed writer "should be named, blamed, and shamed for not having the courage to come forward"
Yet, she wanted to put her own quotes attacking her husband off the record.
American voters believe 55–28% the allegations laid out in the anonymous NYT op-ed.
Republicans don't believe the account — the only listed party, gender, education, age or racial group which does not believe that aides are working behind Trump's back. @QuinnipiacPoll
Sarah Sanders says DOJ should look into the op-ed writer's ID without outlining any actual crimes committed. Sanders also seems to say the W.H. isn't really looking for writer, says the admin is "focused on things that actually matter" before calling the writer "gutless."
Omarosa: Clinton was "robbed" of the 2016 election
WATCH: Omarosa shares tape of Trump discussing deadly Niger ambush
Omarosa says that she knows "for a fact" that she's not the only W.H. staffer to have recorded Trump.
Reminder: @maggieNYT reported earlier this year that a staffer did record Trump and that it wasn’t was another staffer.…
White House again changes phone policy amid heightened paranoia.
Trump claims that it's been more than a century since GDP growth was last higher than the jobless rate.
In reality, it has happened 64 times in the past 70 years.
The White House's chief economist says that Trump's tweet on GDP was incorrect. The correct number is 10 years." Trump tweeted that it was 100 years.
It was actually 12 years ago. 2006.
#APFactCheck: Donald Trump, eager to dismiss his critics, is fabricating the circumstances regarding jobs, tariffs and the social safety net.
Under questioning from @jeffzeleny, Sarah Sanders says she doesn't know where Trump got this $28 million figure from.
CBO: “The federal budget deficit was $895 billion for the first 11 months of fiscal year 2018, the Congressional Budget Office estimates, $222 billion more than the shortfall recorded during the same period last year.”…
Correspondence obtained by ABC News reveals Mariia Butina appearing to arrange a meeting for high-ranking members of the NRA with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and working to develop a TV show highlighting Putin's "love of the outdoors."
In a court filing, prosecutors say Maria Butina is willing to flip on her lover and divulge new info on GOP operative Paul Erickson's "illegal activities."
Prosecutors underscore "there is an ongoing fraud investigation" into Erickson's activities.
The same Kremlin-linked group that posed as Americans on social media during the 2016 election has repeatedly exploited the NFL national anthem controversy, playing both sides in an effort to exacerbate divides in American society.…
Health secretary wrote 1991 memo advocating criminal punishment, not treatment, for juvenile offenders: report

Update: Ron DeSantis, the GOP FL gubernatorial nominee, spoke 4 times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said African Americans owe their freedom to white people and the country's "only serious race war" is against whites.…
Koch network unveils new super PAC as Republicans fight to hold majorities in Congress.
Confirming Kavanaugh would be like handing the Supreme Court over to the Heritage Foundation & the legal staff of Koch Industries.
The GOP treats SCOTUS the way machine politicians treated jobs in the sewer department.…
The vote on Brett Kavanaugh is the "one on which Sen. Susan Collins' legacy will hinge." —Portland Press Herald columnist…
“We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own,” National Security Adviser John Bolton will say in remarks at Federalist Society event, per @ToluseO
The Trump admin is preparing to make it significantly easier for energy companies to release methane into the atmosphere.
It will be the White House's 3rd major step this year to roll back federal efforts to fight climate change.…
Voters on Trump:
• 60–32% is not honest
• 57–38% does not have good leadership skills
• 55-41% does not care about average Americans
• 65–30% not level-headed
• 57-39% is a strong person
• 51-42% is intelligent
• 60-33% does not share voters' values
Trump's approval rating has fallen 6 points in the last month in a new CNN poll.
36% approve
58% disapprove
Trump's approval among independents dropped 16 points in one month. Just 31% of independents now approve of Trump. It's a new all-time low among independents.
Trump's approval is down to 36 percent in a new CNN poll, from 42 percent in August.
Only 32 percent of people say they're proud to have him as president.…
Four major recent polls put Trump's approval in the 30s:
-CNN: 36/58 (new)
-Quinnipiac: 38/54 (new)
-WaPo/ABC: 38/60
-Kaiser: 37/59
(h/t @DavidWright_CNN)
Trump campaign cancels Friday rally in Jackson, Mississippi due to Hurricane Florence approaching.
Who's gonna stroke his ego?
57 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
WATCH: Michelle Obama urges women of color to vote in new video
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Donald Trump exploded at his former lawyer, John Dowd, after reading news reports that said special counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, according to Bob Woodward.
I smell smoke...…