CC: “Rest easy, patriots. Every time #TeamTreason declassifies docs to obstruct justice, it always spectacularly backfires i.e. disproving the conspiracy theories/nonsense they’ve been peddling for months.
They know very bad news is on the horizon. :-)” 🍿🍿🍿

DEMs hold the upper hand in AZ, TN Senate races
JA: WH: Trump has “directed the DOJ (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the RU probe, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”
Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel
China will operate Haifa port, near Israel's alleged nuclear-armed submarines, and it seems no one in Israel thought about the strategic ramifications🤔🤔
Syria mistakenly downs RU plane as it repels alleged Israeli strike
Several 1000 Macedonians gather in support EU, NATO membership
Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh are "all too consistent with stories we heard & lived while attending Holton," they wrote
🔥GOP have been discussing how to withdraw Kavanaugh’s nom for the SupCt, per M.Steele
General Hayden: To summarize, I fear that the Creator did not endow Trump with the emotional, intellectual or ethical tools to carry out the responsibilities of his office.
London Mayor Pushes For Second Brexit Vote
"It’s time to take this crucial issue out of the hands of the politicians and return it to the people," Sadiq Khan said in a Sunday Op-Ed.
Alumnae Of Christine Blasey Ford's High School Circulate Letter Of Support
GOP in Turmoil as Murkowski & Collins Speak Up abt Kav
Missile strikes target infrastructure in Latakia, Syria short time ago. Reports attributing attack to Israel.
Federal mine safety official warned the Trump admin is putting miners in danger, violating law
📌Japanese submarine conducts first drills in South China Sea
📌Peru's President Vizcarra in standoff with Congressover his proposed anti-corruption reforms.
Chris Collins Will Seek 4th House Term Despite Indictment🙄
An influential American think tank chief helped Paul Manafort advocate for his Russia-friendly Ukrainian client’
American Democracy Is in Crisis
Our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back.
📌Pope Ends Colombia Visit With Plea for Those ‘Still Being Sold as Slaves’
📌New leak shows Assange sought RU visa in 2010
📌OAS chief threatens military force against Venezuela
📌Mueller 'Knows the Name' of Top Israeli Official Embroiled in Manafort Case.
Hey USIC it’s time to go nuclear!…
China will operate Haifa port, near Israel's alleged nuclear-armed submarines, and it seems no one in Israel thought about the strategic ramifications…
Kavanaugh friend denies claim Supreme Court pick tried to sexually assault girl in teen years but wrote of alcohol-fueled 'wild behavior' at all-boys Catholic school that included a stripper at a teacher's bachelor party…
The discussion now swirling around the Supreme Court nominee asks an insidious question: Is sexual assault simply the way of the world?
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
The Subtext of Kavanaugh’s Nomination Bursts Into the Open
A sexual-assault allegation against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee brings the fight over gender and power to the fore.
H/T @ManchuCandidate……
H/T @pleasesaveour………
Democrats have complained about the lack of access to documents from Kavanaugh's tenure in the White House under former president George W. Bush.……
📌President Martin Vizcarra has been facing a stalemate over his proposed anti-corruption reforms.
You Can Draw a Straight Line from the 2000 Recount to 2016 Voter Suppression
#RogerStone #GOPOperatives
#MiamiRiots #Kavanaugh?…
H/T @pleasesaveour…
Ford's allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are "all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton," they wrote.
H/t @pleasesaveour…
One of the participants in that riot was Kavanaugh, post the Ken Starr witch-hunt of Bill Clinton………
Our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back.……
@LindseyGrahamSC is ok with lying to the FBI?
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a military lawyer, dismisses Mueller convictions: Lying to the FBI is not a ‘big event’
👉🏼McCain is spinning.…
Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle
It isn’t just the story of a few corrupt officials, or even a corrupt president. It’s the story of a corrupt Republican Party.…
Attorney Alan Dershowitz says Israeli official’s name was not mentioned in the court documents 'because the official probably didn’t do anything illegal' 🙄…
Danny Ayalon, who served as deputy foreign minister in 2012, says he never saw statement against Ukranian opposition leader Tymoshenko:……
👉🏼The RU probe (after Manafort’s agreement cooperate w/ Mueller)
👉🏼Kavanaugh (after a woman accused him of sexual assault), &
👉🏼The midterms (with the elex now 50 days away).……
h/t @pleasesaveour……
"It’s time to take this crucial issue out of the hands of the politicians and return it to the people," Sadiq Khan said in a Sunday Op-Ed.…
In 2016, Ohio voters liked the president’s pitch on trade and jobs. That may be changing.
H/T @Texdj123…
💜Take heart in knowing 1000s of professionals have this well in hand & we will be fine as we emerge on the other side & enjoy a new beginniing.
💜Take 💜 in knowing that regardless of how crazy things get, the story has a really awesome ending. 😎
Make time to celebrate your friends & families.
Promote positivity & constructive ness in your community.
Express kindness & understanding towards your fellow brothers & sisters.
💛Make time for you
All Men Are Created Equal
👉🏼Our Ancestors Paid the Ultimate Price for Our Freedom.
👉🏼We Are "One" People under Our Great Republic.
Don't allow Fear Mongers & Haters Divide Us
H/T @mikes_booh
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 17, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA