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Raman Ghavami @Raman_Ghavami
7 years ago, 26 tweets, 18 min read Read on Twitter
Patriotic Arab Democratic Movemen in Ahwaz many times warned IRI to stop discrimination,arrests&executions of Ahvazi Arabs. In response to IRI discrimination policies,Arab Struggle Movement attacked IRI forces,killed 9[including a high ranking general]&wounded 40.
The attack on military parade targeted officials and generals who were watching the parade. No civilian casualties and the attack only targeted the location of officials and armed forces. 11 of IRI forces and officials have been killed and 60 wounded.
IRGC's Tasnim published a report&claimed only armed forces were targeted. But the report has been removed.Iranian official media claim civilians were also targeted.However, according to footages&reports only a few families of officials were at the parade.
Warning graphic images of killed and wounded IRI armed forces!

Videos indicate only armed forces have been targeted, killed or wounded. Some members of Islamic republic of Iran Army have been posting videos and claim that the IRGC is behind the attack.
All the videos published indicate that the attack only targets the location of Iranian officials and armed forces. However, panicking amongst armed forces may have caused injuries to themselves and their families who were present at the parade.
Putin expresses condolences to his Iranian counterpart Rouhani regarding the attack on military parade in #Ahvaz.
Spokesperson for Ahwazi Movement claims an Ahwazi group has conducted the attack on the military parade. He also claims the attack has not targeted civilians.
Iranian media publish contradictory reports about the number of killed and wounded soldiers.
According to commander of the IRGc forces, the attack targeted officials and armed forces. According to brigadier general Hasan Shahwarpour, two of the attackers killed in the scene,one was injured and 'died' when IRGC tried to take him to the hospital ad was has been arrested.
Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz's Spokesperson claims"officials who were watching the military parade were targeted."

This movement has attacked the IRGC many times. In their recent attacks [twice]in JAN&May 2017 many IRGC forces and pipelines were targeted.
The first moment of #ahvaz_attack on the military parade which. Officials are panicked. According to footages the attack has only targeted Iranian officials and armed forces. IRGC commanders in #Ahvaz also confirmed this.
#IranUpdate on #Ahvaz_attack
IRGC has been deploying a part its forces wearing Ahwazi Arab traditional clothes.
Sources in the region claim more than 5000 armed forces have been deployed to Ahvaz.
Another contradictory statement from the army.
IRGC claimed “one of the attackers was arrested without any being I injured” but now Iranian armed forces spokesperson claims “four attackers were killed.”
It is unclear why statements from the army and IRGC contradict each other.
Officials claimed in #AhvazAttack 11 were killed&60wounded.But now officials claim 29 have been killed&57 wounded.
According to sources&videos security forces were firing at everywhere.Panicking could be the cause of high number of casualties.
In Tehran after Iranian president and generals heard of the #AhvazAttack, they all left the military parade to save their own lives.
It is very clear in this video that Iranian officials don't feel safe in Tehran.
According to sources in #Ahwaz(#Ahvaz), security forces have started a mass arresting campaign against Ahvazi activists. In some districts security forces have opened fire on those young activists who tried to run away to save themselves.
And now ISIS officially claims the attack on military parade in #Ahvaz(#Ahwaz)was conducted by its forces. However, some reports also suggest that the attack was probably conducted by IRGC affiliates and this is the reason behind IRGC and Army contradictory statements.
The head of the political bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claims "#AhvazAttack was not a successful attack." Yadollah Javani added:"We will soon attack those who support the attackers and they will pay a high price for this attack."
Iranian armed forces spokesperson claims that "The attackers has hidden their weapons days before the attack." However, he fails to mention how did they knew about this piece of Information? Because according to the same person "all of the attackers were killed in clashes."
IRGC's tasnim news agency has published the names of those who were killed in #AhvazAttack.According to the reports 25 have been killed and 24 of them are members of the Iranian armed forces.
#Breaking #IranUpdate
And here is the first official list of killed in #AhvazAttack(#AhwazAttack)published by the Iranian armed forces.
24 of them were members of Iranian armed forces.The only civilian was a 4 years old girl who was a daughter of a member of Iranian army Major.
ISIS has removed this from its website and doesn’t claim te attack was conducted by its forces.
It is becoming complicated who has conducted the attack as Ahwazi Movement has not officially claimed responsibility for #AhvazAttack.
According to EuroNews report and witnesses,#AhvazAttack targeted Iranian armed forces&officials who were watching the parade.According to the a list published by the governor of Khouzestan,24 out of 25 who were killed were members of Iranian armed forces.…
Photos have been circulating on social media show armed forces helping women and children. According to official statements and tradition, only families of armed forces were present in the military parade.

An insightful piece of info on #AhvazAttack.
An MP reports that "attachers only shot at armed forces and after that they wanted to target officials(us) who were watching the military parade in VIP place."
So, who shot at families of armed forces then?…
#Important #IranUpdate #AhvazAttack
A clarification on this tweet. The spokesperson says:"Some of Ahwazis have conducted the attack."
He doesn't mention any opposition here including his own party.
So far, no one has taken responsibility for the attack.
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