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Eric JN Ellason @SlickRockWeb
6 years ago, 16 tweets, 12 min read Read on Twitter
Trying to understand the #Magabomber 's 2 twitter accounts @hardrock2016 & @hardrockintlent. They just seem plain bizzarre. I mean i suppose u have to be quite off in the head to think these actions were somehow reasonable and sane. There is alot to unpack in this archived data.
#Magabomber guy used 3 different hashtags in total for both accnts & very infrequently. Both @robreiner & @RealRonHoward show up in his Twitter archives so I would assume they have been contacted. Looks like the Meme was his mode of communication
I don't mean to pick on anyone but this certainly did not age well. I believe she tweeted it yesterday in fact. 0% ?? Here's a rule never say 0% chance for ANYTHING. #magabomber
More weird memes from the #Magabomber
I was just at an #FBI session at a cybersecurity conference a couple of days ago & hats off to them. They risk their lives everyday & do amazing work & for WAY less pay than they could get in the private sector. Amazingly no one was killed before they caught this guy #Magabomber
An interesting thread on the possible timeline of radicalization of Cesar Sayoc aka Caesar Altieri aka Ceasar Altieri Randazzo or aka Julus Cesar Milan by means of his social media timelines #Magabomber
Although after reading the USAToday article it appears the #Magabomber had issues well before April 2016. Turning his hate towards ISIS may have just been the final trigger for turning his mental illness into something that could go violent…
Going from a guy in a suit at a class reunion to being booked for a crime that will effectively put him behind bars 4 the rest of his life ..continues to highlight the human costs in our society of untreated mental illness & out of control vitriolic political rhetoric #Magabomber
I'll end this thread on some interesting data related to his tweet schedule. Knowing everything now ... I would say its likely he worked night shifts at a casino and/or strip club & slept late morning early afternoon. Maybe some automated tweeting also more recently #Magabomber
I had posted this earlier today fully acknowledging that we hadn't been able to look at the #Magabomber tweets prior to Jan 2017 on his @hardrockintlent account. We also hadn't done any Facebook analysis.
After seeing this article in the WashPo 2night ...we decided to go through some of the pre 2017 Twitter data that @d1gi had generously provided publicly. Much of this was OCR data he retrieved off of the many meme graphics in Cesar's accounts. #Magabomber…
We pulled out all the relevant Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts from the OCR data that @d1gi provided on the #Magabomber Much of this was from 2016 and mostly pulled from Meme graphics. We didn't include high profile accounts like CNN, Foxnews, ect..
Some of the Facebook accounts that #Magabomber interacted with on Twitter included 4 now suspended accounts. I honestly don't know the reasons these were suspended. Let us know if any are suspended Russian IRA accounts. Interestingly the PressTV account is out of Tehran, Iran
Lastly we looked at some of the interactions #Magabomber had with other Twitter accounts from 2016 & memes he posted. Still no know Russian IRA interactions but some very interesting accounts nonetheless ... including the Iranian media account @/PressTV and two suspended accounts
Note there were some OCR typos generated ... which is to be expected. For example the pressTV accounts showed up as presstu so a few accounts required additional analysis and crosschecking
Actually now lastly, we looked at some of the URLs contained in #Magabomber Twitter memes and/or tweets from the @d1gi data. Lots of far right sites & fringe conspiracy sites. Also Iranian media www.PressTV(.)ir a few suspended accounts and the very strange ThePeoplescube(.)com
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