Amanirenas was the queen of the Kingdom of Kush. Her full name and title was #Amnirense qore li kdwe li ("Ameniras, Qore and Kandake").
She reigned from about 40 BCE to 10 BCE.…

The Kushites were driven out of Syene later in the year by Gaius Petronius, who now held the office of Roman Prefect in Egypt. According to a detailed report made by Strabo, the Roman troops advanced far into Kush, and finally reached Napata.…

“Over the millennia a series of cultures and kingdoms rose and fell in Nubia”…

“Can the Cushite change his skin?" in Jeremiah 13:23 implies brown skin color; also, Septuagint uniformly translates Cush as Αἰθιοπία "Aithiopia."
He was looking for treasure.…

The Kingdom of Nubia