#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma

This was a condition imposed by the British Parliament via Section 214 (5) of the Government of India Act, 1935
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma

People of Bharat never approved the Indian Constitution, it's colonial provisions and institutions.
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma
This will explain the need for drafting a new #DharmikConstitution for Bharat.
Are you happy with the present Constitution of India?
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma
The fact is that people of Bharat neither understood nor accepted present Constitution. The British appointees thrust it on us.
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma
Next read Section 213(1) of Govt of India Act 1935 passed by British Parliament.
You will understand how Indian Constitution is a plagiarised version of laws passed by British Parliament .
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma

The Indian Penal Code was drafted by Lord Thomas Macaulay in 1834 and enforced on Indians by British government in year 1862.
#DharmikConstitution #CodeOfDharma

Time to introspect if the freedom we enjoy now is the freedom to choose our oppressors.
#CodeOfDharma #DharmikConstitution