Today, there are 500,000 young men missing from the U.S. workforce.
Research suggests video games & improved leisure tech plays a role in the problem. 👇 Thread:
During this time, we saw an increased number of men living with parents & choosing unemployment over lower paying jobs.
1 in 4 living in their parents’ home neither go to school nor work.
What's more surprising? 9 in 10 who lived with their parents a year ago are still living there w/ no plans to leave.
According to economist David Dorn:
“If you get to the point where you’re turning 30, you’ve never held a real job and you don’t have a college education, then it is very hard to recover at that point.”
Forbes interview w/ a high school educated man:
"I’m very quick to get frustrated when people refuse to pay me what I’m worth."
“People feel that they have choice nowadays, and they do.”
A large % of disability is mental health & substance abuse related.
According to the CDC: men are much more likely to overdose on drugs or die from suicide.
Unemployed millennial men spend 10+ hours per week on recreational computer activities.
Full report:…
Researchers suggest over time videos games become a crutch & form of escapism for unemployed men.
Unlike low to middle skill jobs, video games provide:
The ability to make choices
Feeling of mastery and achievement
Visible achievement & status
Remember: "People feel that they have choice nowadays, and they do.” 🎮
Imagine: the future of work = more time to play video games 🎮.