-Day 20 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Holds Photo Op at Southern Border
-Lies Denying MX Would Make Pymt
-Seeks 2 Divert Disaster Funds 4 Wall
-Cohen 2 Testify Publicly in House
-Buying $5M in Brazilian Pork
-Pompeo Gives Wet Kiss 2 Saudi's
-Day 100 Since Khashoggi Murder

Day 676 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 466 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 68 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

The past 72 hours of U.S. gun violence:
•79 gun deaths
•132 gun injuries
•185 total incidents with death and/or injury gunviolencearchive.org/last-72-hours
Opinion | Dr. Esther Choo: The NRA denies the reality of gun violence. Doctors like me know it all too well. nbcnews.to/2D3aPMA - @NBCNewsTHINK
“Too often sales without background checks.... have allowed guns to end up in the hands of violent criminals. By closing these loopholes and expanding background checks, we will make our communities safer.” ~ @replucymcbath buff.ly/2siyDps
“This is gonna be fun,” Bill Shine said to Sarah Sanders as Trump stepped up to podium at press conference where Trump fought with Acosta. nytimes.com/2019/01/09/us/…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Felipe Gomez, the 8 year old who died in @cbp custody Christmas Eve, was healthy and had seen a doctor when he left Juárez for El Paso, according to the shelter he and his father were staying at buzzfeednews.com/article/johnst…
China, who helped North Korea developing nuclear weapons by continuous aid and technological assistance, are now winning diplomatic points by urging US to “meet halfway” the North Korean regime on denuclearisation:
Michael Cohen has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in February — a month before beginning to serve a three-year prison sentence. cnbc.com/2019/01/10/ex-…
“In furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers, I have accepted the invitation by Chairman Elijah Cummings to appear publicly on February 7,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement. nytimes.com/2019/01/10/us/…
“I look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full and credible account of the events which have transpired.” nytimes.com/2019/01/10/us/…
Elijah Cummings: "I thank Michael Cohen for agreeing to testify before the Oversight Cmte voluntarily...We have no interest in inappropriately interfering with any ongoing criminal investigations...We are in the process of consulting with Special Counsel Mueller’s office."
Adam Schiff says that, in addition to the Over Committee hearing, it will also be necessary "for Mr. Cohen to answer questions pertaining to the Russia investigation, and we hope to schedule a closed session before our committee in the near future."
Bookmark this: Today Trump denied knowing about his former campaign manager Paul Manafort’s sharing of 2016 polling data with a Russian-linked operative.
“No, I didn’t know anything about it, nothing about it.”
Sounds familiar to his denial involving campaign fraud.
Fox legal analyst Andrew Napolitano on collusion: Mueller can show that the Trump campaign "had a connection to Russian intelligence."
Shep Smith: Would that be a conspiracy?
Napolitano: Yes. Conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime.
"The End of the World" released in 1958 is a movie about a con-man named, "Trump" who seeks to build a wall, threatens to sue and is accused of fraud.
Watch til the end...
Quite a shot at the Saudi crown prince in today’s @washingtonpost 100 days since Jamal Khashoggi’s murder:

Just 100 days after the gruesome murder of Khashoggi by Saudi officials, Pompeo spoke on U.S. Middle East policy with zero mention of the crime.
Worse, what Pompeo outlined in his Cairo speech is a posture essentially built on MBS' false promises trib.al/ZDJ5RJH
100 days after Jamal Khashoggi's death, Mike Pompeo gives a wet kiss to the murderers.
Fmr. US Ambassador to SA, Robert Jordan, slams the reaction to Jamal Khashoggi's murder: "We have seen nothing from this administration other than canceling the visas of some of the henchman which means they can't come here and go to Disneyland."
Speaker Pelosi on Jamal Khashoggi: “The murder of Khashoggi is an atrocity and an affront to humanity.” Says Congress has a bipartisan obligation to hold the perpetrators accountable. @pressfreedom
Rep. Adam Schiff at event marking 100 days since death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi: "When we look around the world, it is hard not to conclude that trends are getting worse, not better" for safety of journalists and freedom of the press.
@Malinowski on Khashoggi: “When dictatorships reach out beyond their borders to kidnap and kill journalists who have sought refuge in the free world, that is not normal... The man who ordered it must be held accountable.” @pressfreedom
In the 100 days since Saudi officials brutally murdered Jamal Khashoggi in their Istanbul consulate, there has been massive international condemnation.
Yet the whereabouts of Khashoggi's body remain unknown: cnn.it/2CZOqQe
An international law center based in New York is suing the United States CIA for access to classified files relating to the death of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Day 20 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

As we wind down day 20 of the #TrumpShutdown, let's not forget:
"I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."
4,806 federal employees and contractors living in D.C., Maryland and Virginia have already applied for unemployment benefits since the shutdown began according to Politico's tally of the latest numbers maintained by state and local officials. politico.com/story/2019/01/…
Today, the FBI Agents Association sent a petition to the WH & Congressional Leaders signed by reps of all FBI Agent Association field offices across the country warning of the effect of the continued #TrumpShutdown on Agents and their work.

Yikes: Air traffic controllers, who are guiding planes through the sky without pay, received pay stubs on Thursday showing a net pay of zero dollars politi.co/2RiD0jf
House Democrats are using their new oversight authority to investigate the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development's management of the shutdown, as questions mount about HUD's failure to renew low-income housing contracts across the country. nbcnews.com/politics/white…
During the #TrumpShutdown, with Joshua Tree National Park open but no staff on duty, visitors cut down Joshua trees so they could drive into sensitive areas where vehicles are banned.
"We had some pretty extensive four-wheel driving."
WaPo’s ace financial team on how a lengthy #TrumpShutdown is already hurting small businesses & farms that can’t get loans, exporters that can’t ship products overseas, & other economic impacts
The country would face an economic hellscape if the #TrumpShutdown lasts "months or even years," as Trump has suggested it might, experts tell NBC News.
On the Senate floor, Ben Cardin asked for unanimous consent from all senators to pass one of the House-approved bills to reopen the government.
Mitch McConnell objected, calling the House-passed bills "an absolutely pointless show vote." Via ABC
Nancy Pelosi to Republicans: "We're just saying to them, take yes for an answer. This is what you have proposed. Why are you rejecting it at the expense...of the American people? Did you take an oath to the Constitution or an oath to Donald Trump?"
The Senate passed by unanimous consent a bill guaranteeing backpay for federal workers affected by the partial government shutdown. Federal employees are due to miss paychecks Friday. thehill.com/homenews/admin…
Norma Pimentel, Catholic Charities Dir for the Rio Grande Valley, wrote to Trump ahead of his border visit: "Regardless of who we are & where we came from, we remain part of the human family and are called to live in solidarity with one another." washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/…
Trump again claims, without evidence, that Mexico is "paying for the wall indirectly."
"When I said Mexico will pay for the wall in front of thousands of thousands of people, obviously they're not going to write a check." Via ABC
What a headline: “Trump Says ‘Maybe Definitely’ on Declaring National Emergency if Talks Fail”
Q: Does the buck stop with you over this shutdown?
Trump: "The buck stops with everybody."
He refuses to ever take responsibility!
Trump: "I find China, frankly in many ways, to be far more honorable than cryin' Chuck and Nancy. I really do. I think that China is actually much easier to deal with than the opposition party."
How's the trade negotiations going?
Dept. of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype for Trump's border wall proved that it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.
Jim Acosta found some steel slats down on the border. But doesn't see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump would visit.
Nadine has lived in the McAllen area about a decade. She says it’s safe here and hasn’t seen people coming across the border causing crime and mayhem.
Jose has lived here in the McAllen TX area his whole life. He also tells Jim Acosta it is very safe here.
Folks in McAllen have put up a sign reminding Trump that this is one of the safest places in America.
Story to watch: Texas landowners with land near wall necessary for Trump wall "are digging in, vowing to reject buyout offers and preparing to fight the administration in court."
Want to know where Trump isn't visiting today while he's in McAllen?
Ursula Border Patrol Processing Center, where most of the 2,816 kids taken from their parents were kept in cages.
Here’s what it looks like:
There is no such thing as an important trip to Davos
Trump cancels trip to Davos citing the #TrumpShutdown, which would suggest that he expects it to still be going on at least another 10 days.
Trump again: "When I say Mexico is going to pay for the wall ... I didn't say they're going to write me a check for $20 billion or $10 billion."
Fact check: Trump's campaign website said Mexico would "make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion."
Trump: "A wheel is older than a wall. And I looked, and every single car out there, even the really expensive ones that the Secret Service uses, and believe me they are expensive, I said, 'Do they all have wheels?' 'Yes.' 'Oh. I thought it was medieval.'"
Trump was briefed on a plan that could take billions from disaster areas to fund his border wall.
Under the proposal, Trump could dip into money set aside to fund civil works projects all over the country including storm-damaged Puerto Rico. nbcnews.com/politics/immig…
Army Corps of Engineers has been given orders to begin preparation for a border wall construction as part of a national disaster declaration, and Trump is looking at money from a disaster spending bill to pay for it.
Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics via @tripgabriel nyti.ms/2RHMST5?smid=n…
Iowa Rep. Steve King to the New York Times: “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” nytimes.com/2019/01/10/us/…
U.S. taxpayers will buy about $5 million in pork products from a Brazilian-owned meatpacking firm under Trump's bailout program, which was designed to help American farmers hurt by Trump's trade war, WaPo reports.
Scientists say the world’s oceans are heating up faster than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change
Now, this is a national emergency!
Robert Mueller reportedly sought information directly last year from Tony Fabrizio — one of Trump's campaign pollsters who is also a former business associate of Paul Manafort. cnn.it/2RBZ5Zy
Richard Blumenthal says he'll ask AG nominee William Barr if he'll stop political interference into Mueller's probe & added that Barr should recuse himself from overseeing the probe if he can’t provide an “ironclad” commitment to protecting Mueller. politico.com/story/2019/01/…
Prominent Ukrainians went to Trump's inauguration with ideas about lifting sanctions on Russia.
Mueller is investigating, NYT reports.
Pelosi said Steve Mnuchin 'wasted the time' of lawmakers after his classified briefing re: lifting sanctions on co's linked to Oleg Deripaska, calling it "one of the worst classified briefings...from the Trump admin," despite "stiff competition."
FOIA'd emails show the White House requested a meeting with a top DOJ lawyer regarding his work on labor law litigation affecting then-RNC finance chair Steve Wynn's company
Pooler @PhilipRucker notes that Trump stayed on AF1 for 15 minutes after he landed and that this tweet was sent during that time.
Yet, another Trump lie exposed!
Trump in 2016 on Mexico: "They may even write us a check."
Trump today on Mexico: "I never said they're going to write out a check."
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Live look in on Trump's policy makers
Dobbs: Trump should "declare a national emergency, and simply sweep aside the recalcitrant left in this country"
Looking ahead here:
Under Title II of the National Emergencies Act, Congress can vote on rejecting the President's declaration of an emergency, and that vote cannot be subjected to a filibuster in the Senate. (50 USC 1622 (c))