As I prepared for the interview, I learned about business, hiring, startups, time management, and work ethic.
Here's the best of what I learned from Keith. All errors are my own.
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1. Barrels
2. Ammunition
Ammunition is raw firepower, but you need barrels to lead the team and set the vision.
Barrels take ideas from start to finish. They motivate people and think autonomously.
When you find a barrel, hire them!
1. Don’t read the internet. Most things written online aren’t worth reading. It’s better to read real books instead of blogs are current events.
2. Conferences and social gatherings aren’t a high leverage use of time.
Here’s a trick:
People hang out with similar people. If you can find a pool of people with unusually high potential, they’ll be magnets for other people with similar characteristics.
"A lot of the best people I’ve hired had very erratic backgrounds, mostly from non-elite schools, most with non-technical backgrounds.”
To scale a startup, you’ll need two things:
1. Become a magnet for talented people
2. Be able to asymmetrically assess other people.
Otherwise, you’ll never be able to compete with the incumbents.
With early-stage founders and investment opportunities, Keith asks: “Are enough people laughing at it?”
If everybody thinks something is a good idea, it probably isn’t one. It’s good when people think an idea is absurd.
As Jerry Garcia says: "You want to be the only that does what you do to."
"The most important thing is to identify — and it may take years to figure out what you can be exceptional at.”
Invest in your brain. Exercise it and develop its capacities so you can leverage them later.
High-quality books are the raw ingredients to train your brain.
Inspired by @rabois, I just wrote about this.…
Here’s how to find them:
1. Find 3-4 people that you like
2. Ask them to describe what they like about you
3. Write down their responses
Then, make a word cloud of all the answers. The common denominators are your core strengths.
"So force yourself to simplify every initiative, every product, every marketing, everything you do. Take out that red pen and start eliminating stuff.”
Don't accept the excuse of complexity. The more you simplify, the better people will perform.