Day 719 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 507 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 25 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Real-time American gun violence numbers for 2019:
•1,984 gun deaths
•3,429 gun injuries
•73 children shot
•318 teenagers shot
•280 armed home invasions
•178 defensive gun use incidents
•217 unintentional shootings
•46 mass shootings
@RepLucyMcBath knows firsthand the pain of losing a child to gun violence.
Now, she’s continuing her fight to spare other families by supporting H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019. #EndGunViolence
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water Leave Military Families Reeling - The New York Times…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents:
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
"The Border Patrol agent told Sara Caal that she was taking her 5-year-old daughter to get a cookie and would bring her right back. She never did."
ACLU asks judge to order Trump administration to identify all migrant children separated at the border. Could be thousands.
DOJ counters that doing so would "blow the case into some other galaxy."…
On her 18th birthday, Lisseth was cuffed and taken from a migrant youth shelter to an adult detention cell.
And she's not alone.
In a new analysis, @BruceKlingner of the conservative Heritage Foundation throws some cold water on Trump's claims of unprecedented success with North Korea and concludes "no tangible progress" on denuclearization.

Not his critics. Not the media. Not Democrats. Not the Deep State. Not Hill GOPers.
Trump's OWN AIDES think he's going to blunder in talking with North Korea.…
Congress has yet to be briefed on Trump's first summit with Kim Jong Un last year in Singapore, Democrats say in a letter to Trump.
This seems like a good time to mention that Trump met with Putin without even telling his senior advisers…
Trump administration weighs softening demands ahead of second North Korea summit
Cohen Gave Prosecutors New Information on the Trump Family Business via Ben Protess @WRashbaum…
After a DOJ official said Mueller isn't expected to deliver his report next week, Trump said he looks forward to reading it. "There was no collusion. There was no obstruction...No phone calls...If it's an honest report, it will say that. If it's not, it won't."
Interesting that Trump said, "no phone calls"
Michael Cohen admitted a phone call to the Kremlin as part of his guilty plea. The SCO prosecutors made a special point of including that in his allocution.
GOP senators were enraged over the Trump administration's refusal to send a report to Congress determining who killed Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi
Saudi Arabia and China strike $10 billion oil deal, brush off Khashoggi killing, Xinjiang Muslim camps…
Day 8 since Trump declared a national emergency in response to a manufactured crisis to seize power and subvert the Constitution.
"I didn't need to do this"
Nancy Pelosi will bring the resolution to terminate Trump's national emergency proclamation up for a vote on Tuesday.
More than one-third of the money Trump wants to redirect from other federal programs to build his wall is likely to be unavailable from the sources he has identified.
As a result, it'll be difficult for Trump to circumvent Congress.…
Trump administration to direct 1,000 additional troops to Mexican border
While Trump claims human trafficking takes place across the southern border between ports of entry -- and that it's impossible to go through airports -- police documents allege the women in the Kraft case "came from China on temporary work visas."
Trump tells reporters he's "surprised" to see Bob Kraft charged (with soliciting prostitution) and emphasizes Kraft "denies it" (via @HallieJackson in the Oval)
Authorities have Kraft on videotape.
Trump on his Labor Secretary Alex Acosta's role in the Epstein sex crimes case: "I really don’t know too much about it … That seems like a long time ago, but I know he's been a fantastic labor secretary. That's all I can really tell you about it."
House Democrats are collecting signatures for a letter calling on Trump to demand the resignation of Alex Acosta, The Hill reports.…
The Trump admin has issued a rule to restrict federal funding for groups like Planned Parenthood that provide abortion referrals.
More than a dozen Democratic governors have already threatened to sue to block the measure from being implemented.…
This is a dangerous and life-threatening attack by Trump & Pence that will effectively dismantle the Title X program, which provides reproductive care to millions including women, LGBTQ ppl, PoC, low income ppl and others. #NoGagRule…
"Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!” … "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court.” … "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK?” —DJT
‘I think it’s a shame’: Trump comments on Coast Guard officer accused of plotting attacks.
Plus, Trump says he bears no responsibility, says, “I think my language is very nice.”
Would Trump have even commented if he wasn't asked about it?…
Trump, on why he hasn't condemned GOP fraud in NC: "I condemn any election fraud & when I look at what's happened in CA with the votes...There was just a case where they found a million fraudulent votes."
Reporter: "There haven't been those cases. This is an actual case"
Adam Schiff to GOP: "You have deplored [Trump's] fundamental inability to tell the truth. But ... you have chosen to keep your misgivings and your rising alarm, private. That must end. The time for silent disagreement is over. You must speak out."…
Republican MD Gov. Larry Hogan rips the RNC for shielding Trump from a primary challenge, calling it "unprecedented": "It's very undemocratic ... And the question is, what are they afraid of?"…
New York state prosecutors have put together a criminal case against Manafort that they could file quickly if Trump pardons him
New York County DA Cyrus Vance Jr. is ready to file an array of tax and other charges against Manafort, two sources say, something seen as an insurance policy should Trump exercise his power to free his former aide…
NYT confirms Bloomberg: The Manhattan DA's office is preparing state criminal charges against Manafort in an effort to ensure he'll face prison time even if Trump pardons him for federal crimes, according to people with knowledge of the matter.…
Today may be the day that Mueller tells all in the long-running court saga of Paul Manafort's prosecution.
Mueller's sentencing memorandum is due to a federal judge in D.C. District Court before midnight tonight.…
@MSNBC: The Justice Department will not receive the Mueller report next week, a senior Justice Department official tells NBC’s Julia Ainsley.
Huge story breaking in Italy.
Putin agreed to a request from Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini to covertly finance his Euro election campaign.
The plan was to conceal the payment behind an apparently normal business deal. Sound familiar?…
On February 26 at 10:00 am, the House Intelligence Committee will convene an open hearing on the rise of authoritarianism around the world, autocratic regimes and their practices, the decline in democratic governance, and the threat these trends pose to the U.S.
Trump, in risky gambit, ratchets up pressure on Venezuela as tensions flare at the border, via @agearan & @CMorelloWP…
Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, is Trump’s second nominee to replace Nikki Haley. Craft was deeply involved in Trump’s renegotiation of NAFTA.
Kelly Craft is the wife of the CEO of Alliance Resource Partners, one the largest coal mining companies in the United States.
The billionaire couple have donated more than $2 million to Trump through various means.
Pay. To. Play.…
Reminder: Trump's new UN ambassador nominee said in 2017 that, when it comes to climate change, she believes in "both sides of the science." Via CBC
Prosecutors have begun presenting evidence to a grand jury in Washington in their probe of whether former interior Secretary Ryan Zinke lied to federal investigators. W/ @Reinlwapo
Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has sought financing from federally owned lenders for its biggest purchase in a decade
*Another* Trump-branded building in NYC will take down Trump's name.
That's the second one in two days.…
This will be the end of "Trump Place," a mini-neighborhood that Trump tried to develop starting in the '70s. He had his name on six buildings there, as of 2016.
Now, the number will be zero.…
U.S. Department of Agriculture has paid out $7.7 billion so far to farmers, William Northey, Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation, said on Friday, in aid designed to offset the negative impact of tariff imposition.
PepsiCo is laying off corporate employees as the company commits to millions of dollars in severance pay, restructuring, and 'relentlessly automating'…
Simultaneous rebounds in the stock and bond markets are sending conflicting signals about the direction of the United States economy
He is one of the most elusive figures in medicine. But newly released documents spell out in the greatest detail yet the role a secretive billionaire played in the promotion of OxyContin.
Ratio of CEO pay to median employee pay
1950s: 20 to 1
1970s: 30 to 1
1990s: 120 to 1
TODAY: 271 to 1
Under fire for dwindling tax refunds, Treasury didn’t put out data this week: “As we have noted, data this early in the filing season has many aberrations and isn’t useful in drawing broad conclusions on refunds overall.”
For a handful of hours next week, Nancy Pelosi will be the top-ranked government official on U.S. soil as Trump and Pence will be overseas at same time, Axios notes.…
Every president since Nixon has voluntarily given their tax returns. Trump hasn’t.
There’s a reason for that, he has a lot to hide.
The New Jersey Senate has passed bill that would take Trump off of the 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns, according to the Courier Post.…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Check out this image of the latest copy of NRA's magazine, featuring a story with the words "Target Practice" next to a photo of Nancy Pelosi with Gabby Giffords.
Maybe don't do this @NRA.

Mueller filing on Paul Manafort sentencing still not public after midnight deadline
There's a tweet for everything!