How valuable is it?
Ask yourself this question: Warren Buffet is 88 and worth $84 billion, would you trade lives with him?
I’m in my early 30’s and would not.
Therefore, I value a year of time at more than $1bn.
Money = stored time.
We trade our most scarce asset for something less scarce.
Scarcity can be measured through stock to flow ratio (inverse of inflation)
USD: 20:1
Gold: 50:1
Bitcoin: ~25:1 but trending towards infinite
I believe people will eventually realize the importance of this and start storing their time in bitcoin.
If not, you give government the ability to steal your most scarce asset
@misir_mahmudov has expounded on this thought before, in much more depth. H/t to him.
The book the Bitcoin Standard also talks about this and much more - page 197-198.