Very early on, I realised the 'official' Remain group ("Stronger In") was incompetent and even obstructive.
In my wilder moments, I even began to wonder if there was foul play going on.
The Remain parties refuse to cooperate in the EU elections, ensuring that (under the d'Hondt system which is used) Farage will walk away with the prizes. Farage!
The Brexiters are laughing.
That's really going to rebuild bridges between UK and EU. Not!
But with the Remainers in the state we're in, we're going to lose the 2nd referendum anyway.
Farage has all funding and organisation up and running already. To him, the two polls will just be punch and knock-out.
Nada. Nothing. Ничего.
Are we finding ourselves, once again, in the hands of leaders who loudly trumpet themselves Remainers - but who in reality are soft Brexiters or even calculating careerists?
If (if!) 2016 was subverted from within, might it happen again in 2019?
(Remembering that ChUK doesn't even have a logo, so there are actually FIVE Remain splinter parties.)

Because I tell you; Mr Farage understands exactly what my previous tweet means to him, and he's GLOATING.
If you don't mind Farage gloating, you're beyond help!
In this thread, I have painted a dark picture of disunity and even chaos among Remainers.
But, the GOOD NEWS is this.
We can be out of this dark place by Tuesday.
All it takes is for the parties to combine for the #EUelections2019.