President #Bashar_alAssad visited Raqqa in November 6, 2011 and you can hear people are shouting "Ahla Wsahla Ya Bashar" which means "You are so welcome, Bashar"
The city that was completely destroyed by the #USA
Look how many people support #Bashar_alAssad and the #Syrian_Arab_Army
Photos taken on November 3, 2011

I can tell u abt 2 families, dear friends of mine
1st family: a father, a mother and two daughters
2nd: a father, a mother and three boys
they were permanently displaced frm there & they live now in my village, what abt the rest?!
My friends were lucky because although they lost everything, they managed to survive
the mother of the 3boys told me years ago that she knew her house was occupied by jihadist (aka "Freedom Fighters")
I saw how sad she was through her teary eyes..
Heart breaking 😢
What they thought never mattered, what they wanted never mattered and what happened to them never mattered to all of those who falsely "Advocate" the rights of the Syrian people in the #West