Populist politics on display.
Yet May offered GPC leadership to JWR to capitalize on her new found fame & popularity.
As a former practicing lawyer (her description), she alludes that a Deferred Proscecution Agreement is inadequate responsibility. A common misbelief, but as a former lawyer, bold faced disinformation.
Exactly what Trudeau has been accused of, but it’s ok for May apparently.
To the audiences delight, she reasons it would keep SNC’s talented engineers...
May’s agenda is revealed. Helping Scheer get elected.
When asked, she admonishes Scheer’s inability to take advantage of the jewel of a scandal SNC presented.
Except he did, with May’s help.
If any Green supporter can’t see this, they have their head up their ...
Thanks JWR, JP, May & Scheer. You’ve decided you know best & the will of the majority is irrelevant.