'What Do We Need Men For?
A Modest Proposal'
published July 2,
E. Jean Carroll
sexual assault by
[ “yammers about himself
like he’s Alexander the Great
ready 2 loot Babylon.” ]
Les Moonves
[ octopus ]
Writer E. Jean Carroll
Trump shoves her
against wall inside dressing room,
pulls down her tights, +,
“forcing his fingers around my private area,
thrusts his penis halfway
🍄— or completely, I’m not certain —🍄
inside me.”
Trump violated her during their marriage.
Other sexual-assault claims, made around same time by
Kristin Anderson,
Jill Harth,
Cathy Heller +
Temple Taggart McDowell.
16th woman 2 accuse Donald tRUmp
of sexual misconduct
14th 2 accuse Les Moonves
of similar offenses.
which date from 1990s,
R highly specific.👈🔥
“This is a completely false +
*unrealistic story surfacing 25 yrs
after allegedly taking place +
was created simply 2 make
President look bad.”
Carroll writes:
“Receiving death threats,
being driven from my home,
being dismissed,being dragged thu mud”
who’ve come forward
w credible stories about
how the man
grabbed, badgered, belittled,
mauled, molested, + assaulted them,
only 2 see the man turn it around,
deny, threaten + attack them,
never sounded like much fun.”
Gotta rip the sh¡t outta it.
Orange Mob Blob Has Spoken
Responds 2
E. Jean Carroll,
+ of course,
he is nothing more than
pathetic + classless.
How could u NOT
believe Ms. Carroll?
Now 16th 2 accuse tRUmp
of sexual assault.
He looney.

is a survivor of
sexual assault.
Dressing Room
mentions she still
has the black
Donna Karan coat dress.
Some think she has a case.
But, this is where it gets
odd 4 me, as I'm not sure
she has processed the
sexual assaults she
has experienced.
She's got the coat.
is known as a
comedy writer/author/SNL writer.
She may be masking
some pain thru *comedy.
Hope she figures this all out.
Don't like what I see.
Fuqqing Rapey McRaperstein's.
When men can physically
pin-down ladies. Ugh.
Lawrence O'Donnell
interview w
E. Jean Carroll.
It's a corker!🔥👈
Not only Donald tRUmp
raping + sexually assaulting
E. Jean Carroll,
but others.
Hiya Les Moonves!
This interview
focuses on tRUmp.
Orange Mob Blob
5:54 EJC
on the talented + beautiful E. Jean Carroll.
May she find comfort in expressing the truth.
It's the 1 thing they can't take away from us. TRUTH!
Donald J. tRUmp is a serial assaulter. He has initiated quite the pattern. RapeyPres