Hi, I’m Chitku 🙂 we’ve met before. This is my brother Kaachbo. We have been brought into this world by Priyanka Tolia😎
Around 2003, while working in Mumbai, many of her colleagues from varied Himalayan states of India, discussed frequently and naively on the needs of design interventions to create livelihood opportunities so as to push mountain industries that otherwise face isolation.
I’ll share some photos of #memorials of #british#soldiers in #India here are from the #afghanchurch in #mumbai it was the 1st Anglican Church in South #bombay started as a chapel. In 1838soldiers killed in the 1st#afghanwar were laid to rest here, then from the other 2wars
These are #handwoven#silk#saris made in #Murshidabad in #Bengal in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Called ‘Baluchari’ sari as they were woven in the land near the river Bhagirathi which flows by Murshidabad. ‘Balu’ means ‘sand’ & ‘char’ means ‘bank’ in #bangla#language
“An attempt to reach out to those interested in the arts, but isolated by the lockdown, is now an #oraldocumentationproject encouraging you to draw or write about your favourite memory from a museum...Thank you @janeborges87 written so beautifully our team is beaming
“The idea was to reach out to those who might have been forgotten, are #isolated, #depressed and lack access to #museums or #heritage sites. By opening up an undiscovered space, I wanted to give them something to look forward to in the future," says Das.”