Let’s talk about another @nytimes piece written by #Iran apologist/lobbyist @farnazfassihi aimed at providing life support for Tehran’s mullahs by painting a moderate & innocent image of a ruthless regime.
This piece is published as sanctions still loom over @JZarif.

“To ordinary Iranians and reformists, that made him a hero.”
Fassihi gives no source.
There is no unbiased polling in Iran under the mullahs.
If we look at @JZarif’s tweets, the replies are full of criticism & insults in Farsi/English to the mullahs’ top diplomat & the regime.
Why should Zarif be sanctioned?
He has very close relations to #Iran’s terrorism apparatus.
The IRGC, Soleimani, Hezbollah & the Assad dictatorship… to name a few…

Anyone with any knowledge about Iran knows that Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader, has the final word on all state matters, especially national security & foreign affairs.
Zarif has repeatedly said every single JCPOA detail was checked extensively with Khamenei himself.
Just recently, Iran’s spy chief said Tehran can enter talks with Washington if the U.S. lifts sanctions and if Khamenei permits it. This once again proves how Khamenei has the last word on all state affairs.
Talking about Zarif dining in American restaurants, a recent dinner with Sen. Dianne Feinstein created an uproar in the U.S.
My thoughts:
Just when you think NYT & Fassihi couldn’t fall to a more hideous low in their service to the mullahs ruling Iran, they never fail to surprise you.
For me, it is also quite disgusting to see an Iranian such as Fassihi support the repulsive mullahs.
For those interested, here’s another thread debunking another NYT piece co-written by Fassihi.
And finally, a thread shedding light on the links between NYT and Iran’s regime.