Zarif has established a network of apologists/lobbyists in the West.
An Iran regime insider sheds light on how Zarif launched the “National Iranian American Council,” (@NIACouncil).
@tparsi is the founder of NIAC.
A former Iran regime intelligence minister explains how the regime dispatches "reporters" to collect information and spread misinformation.
Court documents from Sep 2006:
Parsi sent confidential info to Zarif, informing him that based on what he heard in Congress, Bolton would not get the Senate vote to become U.S. Ambassador to UN.

Court documents: NIAC defrauded the IRS, did not report its lobbying until Eli Lake was going to publish court docs in The Washington Times revealing its lobbying. NIAC rushed to amend past tax returns ……
Credit: @IranianForum

Video presenting proven evidence of financial communication between NIAC / Parsi with the Atieh Company inside Iran.
The financial ties that were used to circumvent sanctions imposed on the mullahs' regime.
NIAC founder Trita Parsi parrots Iran's talking points provided through Zarif.
Word is that NIAC establishes contact with Iran's security apparatus through @rparsi, the brother of NIAC founder Trita Parsi.
Unlike Trita, Rouzbeh is not a media figure & he regularly travels to Iran without any limitations.

Now let’s talk about @hmousavian, an Iranian terrorist turned “Princeton scholar,” who runs Zarif’s talking points in mainstream media.
This thread sheds more light:

Iranian ambassadors “were kept apprised of the operations and were instrumental in the post-kill whitewashing of the Islamic Republic. Mousavian was quite active on the German scene…”…
Obama’s White House (& @brhodes) also had a close relationship with Mousavian.
Ben Rhodes pursued his “echo chamber” with Mousavian and others.…

Mousavian, a former Iranian diplomat & head of its National Security Council, was hosted at the WH at least 3 times, while Trita Parsi, a pro-Iran advocate long accused of hiding his ties to Iran's gov, met with Obama admin officials some 33 times.…
Now let’s talk about former NIAC member @NegarMortazavi (left).
Mortazavi is quite fond of Zarif.

Now let’s talk about @natbrizy, another known Iran regime apologist/lobbyist.
This thread provides details about her.
Here’s a photo of her after interviewing Zarif in his Manhattan home.
She is standing underneath the image of Iranian regime founder Khomeini & current supreme leader @khamenei_ir.

Tabrizy, with a hijab, taking a photo with @hmajd, a member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team & very close to Zarif.
And more facts about Majd who is also very close to Trita Parsi.

This was only a tip of the iceberg of Iran’s network of apologists/lobbyists.
For more info about Zarif’s ties with NIAC & other Tehran apologists/lobbyists, check these hashtags:
And this website:
Following Zarif’s sanctioning, RT this thread if you believe there should be an investigation into the apologists/lobbyists network affiliated to Zarif.