It features content from @mayazi @La__Cuen @Melt_Dem @prestonjbyrne @DoveyWan @PatrickMcHenry
Below are the top 5, summarized in clips.
@mayazi really nailed it with her massive thread in advance of the hearings about everything that needed to be discussed around Libra - from tax issues to the hamstringing effect to local economic policy.
This was one of the big questions that characterized day 2 of hearings in Congress. @La__Cuen though took it from a different place and looked at bitcoin use in Cuba as a way to ask how something like Libra might or might not work.
@Melt_Dem was left to explain the difference between Bitcoin and Libra (or anything like it) to Congress, while folks like @prestonjbyrne made similar points in content. Luckily, there seemed to be much receptivity to the message.
On Day 2, the issue of China burst into the testimony and, as @DoveyWan pointed out, China took notice, with "Libra to compete with Alipay" becoming a trending topic on Weibo.
Still, there's no doubt that the moment of the hearings went to @PatrickMcHenry. It was clear from that moment that the conversation about Bitcoin was poised to take a new turn in the wake of the hearings. We'll look back at this one.