In 1976 the Liberals tried to destroy Medibank which was a precursor to Medicare. The ACTU @unionsaustralia called a general strike to defend it. We would not have Medicare today if it were not for this action.
Building workers (now @CFMEU) took strike action to win super at a time most private sector workers did not have it. This was an important breakthrough that lead to universal superannuation.
Unions fought for shorter working hours by taking strike action since the 1850s. Eventually we won the eight hour day and then the five day working week.
Women (and men) have been striking for equal pay since World War 2, esp in the 1960s but the latest "unlawful actions" were by community workers in 2012 @asu_nsw_act & childcare workers @UnitedVoiceOz last year
There would all have been destroyed (plus much more) if it weren't for @CFMEU building workers who took "unlawful" action by putting "Green bans" on them
Workers took and continue to take "unlawful" action to make workplaces safe. This has resulted in the workplace safety laws we now have and everyone is protected by.
Minimum wages which now apply to all workers were won by workers taking "unlawful" action. This includes rights to overtime pay and extra payments for working shifts.
in 1986 nurses took a 50 day strike to first win safe staffing levels in Victoria. All "unlawful". This has radically improved patient care. @anmf_federal
The teachers unions have continually had to take
"unlawful" action to insist on limits on class sizes so children get a good education
Printers @theamwu took "unlawful" action to win annual leave, followed by workers in other industries. Metal Industry workers stuck for leave loading. As a result, all permanent workers now have annual holidays and leave loading.