2. A lot of Trump voters are racist. Again, this wasn't too hard to figure out before; the tea party pretty clearly wasn't motivated by limited /4
4. It's all about the tax-cuts and judges. Trump is woefully unfit for the office. Lots of retired GOP officials, like Boehner and Ryan, pretty clearly see that. But /9
5. Budgetary restraint is for Democratic presidents only. Trump's keynesianism, exploding deficits, & bullying of the Fed for low interest rates to help him get re-elected are now /11
Trump is woefully unfit & a terrible president, but his inability to lie convincingly is weirdly useful, ideologically at least. Yes, Trump lies and flim-flams all the time, but he when he does, he almost always signals his /13
1. I listed 5 GOP positions Trump has inadvertently revealed as fictions. There is a 6th: GOP foreign policy is hawkish until it collides with Trump’s personal interests. This is biggest surprise to me. The /17
2. As one commenter put it, this is about plausible deniability. That’s right. Before Trump, the 6 listed arguments could be rolled out, and while the left would dispute them, they retained come credibility on the center and right. Trump is /22
4. More interesting though is that a center-right record is not enough for Trump commenters who routinely attack Never Trump Republicans as ‘cucks’ or whatever that /27
People keep asking how I vote as a disaffected Republican. So here’s my thinking on that which I bet is similar to other Never Trumpers: