The reverse counting has begun to pass this dangerous law. #Nep2019
डॉ कस्तुरीरंगन समिति की स्पष्ट सिफारिश है कि शिक्षण संस्थानों को पूर्ण स्वायत्तता दी जाए.
और शिक्षा को फिलान्थ्रोफी के माध्यम से निजी संस्थानों को सौंप दिया जाए.

Policy recommends full Autonomy to private institutions purportedly to be #Philanthropists.
It completely disregards Constitutional provisions for #reservations and #scholarships.…
#nep2019 introduces extremely vague concept of #URGs on the basis of #Socio_Economic backwardness rather than constitutionally mandated #Socio_Educational backwardness.
Why such a radical policy on #Education shouldn't speak about educational under_representation?
#nep2019 takes away role of States to distribute #Scholarships by proposing centralized single window under National Scholarship Fund.
Whatever that means. Because there is no detailing beyond just once mentioning about it.
The very backbone of equitable education and diversity in #Education sector i.e. #Reservations is dismissed by mentioning just once in a 500 page #nep2019 draft.
That too in denial of it.
If you wish to revisit your report, pl take a look at this. This is written by me. You can reach to me via DM should you need further details.…
No wonder #nep2019 of #BJP is evasive on #Education of women.

#IITs propose to give 3 years BSc degree to 'under_performers'. These
#under_performers are going to be all #URGs as defined in NEP2019.
@PMOIndia @narendramodi_in @HRDMinistry
लेकिन क्या बात है कि #nep2019 के मसौदे मे इसका कोई जिक्र नहीं है.
हाँ, समिति ने #ABVP से जरूर सलाह ली, और #संस्कार_भारती जैसे मॉडेल समिती को आदर्श दिखते है.
Image looks like a #Ghetto of the kids from disadvantaged families.
#nep2019 defines them as #URG and proposes to create Ghetto like #SEZ for them.…
Criticise the policy on its merits and demerits not the ideology.…
These issues are crucial for #Equality in education.
Centre provides for future reviews under #Nep2019. But, what if nep2019 itself is a castle in air? Where is the critical analysis of what ails the system?…
By teaching liberal arts like music, yoga, pottery-making, etc as curricular subjects from higher secondary stages and facilitating students exit from 9th Standard itself?
"11.1. India has a long tradition of holistic and multidisciplinary learning in the so-called ‘liberal arts’, from universities such as Takshashila and Nalanda to extensive literatures combining subjects across fields."
Why "so-called liberal arts"?
The draft policy had used the word Reservation only once. It was in negative.
Now, Final Education Policy 2019 clearly spells out that even autonomous #HEIs will abide by Constitutional provisions about reservations.
These are about unethical and unconstitutional term #URGs, ghetto-type education structure for them and undue focus on teaching #Liberal_Arts.
The policy makers failed to understand the difference between the two. #Nalanda and #Takshashila is invoked erroneously to justify teaching of Liberal arts.
किसी ज़माने मे #संस्कृत सुनने से आपके कान मे खौलता शीशा डाला जाता था. तब वह सत्ता की भाषा थी.
अब जब वह मर गई, तो उसे पढ़ाने की ज़िद.…
शासन की भाषा भारत मे इंग्लिश है, तो पढ़ाई का माध्यम भी वही भाषा क्यों नही?
Copies of it are also sent to all the MPs of #Loksabha.
Round Table India - Draft National Education Policy 2019 deserves to be rejected outright……