They’re probably not enforceable, but they tell us a lot about Trump.
Last year Kellyanne Conway confirmed that “everyone” in the West Wing signs NDAs…
We saw Omarosa's, so we know what they contain.…
This obviously poses a First Amendment problem.
Trump (and the entire Trump-FOx-GOP) is all confused about the First Amendment.
First Amendment says the government can’t silence a citizen without a compelling reason.
It requires government action.
The White House is a government entity.…
Trump uses his to guard his personal secrets and to prevent people from saying negative things about him.
The next problem with Trump’s NDAs is a feature in contract law. . .
OK, so.
What are the actual damages to Trump if someone tells the truth about him?
Next problem, what @CheriJacobus recognized as Trump threatening a citizen ⤵️

This is called a liquidated damage clause. It’s legal if actual damages are difficult to calculate, and if the amount demanded is reasonable.
You don't need an NDA to protect yourself against lies.
Libel and defamation laws already protect against lies.
Trump is thus saying that if someone tells the truth about him, the damage is about $10 million.
The next problem: The White House is forcing employees to sign illegal contracts.
McGahn also told aides the NDAs were “mainly to placate the president.”…
Punitive liquidated damages in an NDA are the ultimate bullying tactic: “If you talk badly about me, I’ll send my lawyers after you, and they’ll take everything you own.”
Mob lawyers are a thing. See:…
Trump employs lawyers to do his bidding, which includes ignoring the law if it stands in his way.
Trump’s history of silencing people creates a pattern that helps substantiate the claims in the Steele dossier.

Q: Why the need for so much secrecy?
A: Trump inhabits a made-up world of his own creation. In the story he has invented, he's a smart and successful businessman and whiz deal maker.
Maintaining the fiction requires hiding the truth.
Hence, his love of NDAs.