#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
Maduro thanks the efforts of the Chileans in their concert held yesterday against US meddling in Venezuela.
Another update: it went unnoticed (also by us), but the latest US sanctions also hit two major Venezuelan public banks, Banco de Venezuela and Banco Bicentenario. Does the US treasury not know the lay of the land?
Interested in what the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet had to say on Venezuela?
Take a look at this analysis by @rosendo_joe

"Trump’s sanctions are therefore killing people. But Bachelet failed to denounce them – only expressing “concern” that the most “recent” escalation of US sanctions “may” aggravate the crisis."
Read the analysis by @rosendo_joe
You'd think the @StateDept would have at least bought self-proclaimed @jguaido a @nytimes subscription, or sent him a memo saying that it was actually one of his followers who burned the 'aid' truck. Also, it had no medicine
12 min12 minutos atrás
Venezuelan authorities claim to have uncovered an opposition plot to hire foreign paramilitaries to execute targeted killings and acts of sabotage.
'Maria Faría, the daughter of a would-be Hugo Chávez assassin, illegally barged into Venezuela’s embassy in Costa Rica and declared herself ambassador.
'A senior Venezuelan official told the Grayzone that Faría and her entourage were able to access the building by paying its owner to hand over the keys.'
money smooths the way @jguaido
@realDonaldTrump its called bribery and corruption
uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ven… … the trump presidency now resorting to bribery #ImpeachTrumpNow
US and Puppet Guaido Implicated in Terrorism Plot Against Venezuela
globalresearch.ca/us-guaido-impl… #HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
Another major blackout took place this afternoon. Power has now been restored to most of the country, and authorities have denounced another attack against the central system managing the electric grid. Stay tuned for updates

This is Rubio again lying to you. He thinks you are that stupid you'll believe that a nobody who Venezuelans reject is "president". 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Took ages to upload but here's the video of Venezuelans "being forced" 🙃 to join a massive anti-Imperialist, pro-government protest on March 16, in Caracas 👊:

Excerpts from massive pro-Venezuelan govt, anti-Imperialist, anti-war rally on March 16.
Full video here:
These are some of the many people that corporate media disappears in their coverage of #Venezuela...because their truths, and support for President Maduro, don't serve the US' regime-change narrative.
Vile little man, #RubioThug, gleeful every time something happens here to make lives of Venezuelans difficult, when the US is ALWAYS the cause, directly or indirectly, either sabotage or sanctions.
His fake concern reeks 💩💩
In spite of Rubios manic attempts to portray chaos and crisis, security in the streets to ensure traffic flows, and people calmly dealing with this.

According to this tweet,citing Information & Communication Minister @jorgerpsuv this was AnotherSabotageAttack on🇻🇪's ElectricalGrid
Was just around Caracas on friends motorbike, no chaos, police directing traffic metro down but shops open

Sabana Grande around 5 pm Caracas time
March 16 Demonstration of Solidarity With Venezuelan Government and Against Imperialism ingaza.wordpress.com/2019/03/25/mar…
President @NicolasMaduro on🇺🇸policies against🇻🇪:
"They have undertaken failed & extremist policies against🇻🇪. We are not a threat to the🇺🇸. The extremists in the White House are used to giving orders & being obeyed. We will never obey."
This is not about Maduro. This is about a country, a project—an historic project. Whether Maduro is sitting here or not, the project will go on. It is not about Maduro, it is about the people."
President Maduro: “The Venezuelan People Do Not Want Violence or Foreign Military Intervention” ingaza.wordpress.com/2019/03/25/pre…
#Pompeo: "*#Russia* *exacerbates tensions* in #Venezuela"
Who started this crisis & attempting to topple *legitimate*, democratically elected president?!
"#US seeks *better* future for🇻🇪people"
By stealing state assets & imposing sanctions?!

Feb 23
FAIR: Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America
by Mark Cook
Kids being kids, Plaza Venezuela, Caracas, yesterday.
#CalmNotChaos #RubioLying #HandsOffVenezuela

"South America has never accepted an external military intervention, but now there is a tangible threat of subjugation of the continent by force," bit.ly/2OlNv0o
#FromTheSouth|#NewsBits|Artists from the #Catalan Countries have come together to release a song called 'Veneçuela Vol Pau'or'🇻🇪wants peace'.They did so in support of the Bolivarian Revolution & the government of president #NicolasMaduro
#FromTheSouth | #NewsBits | Thousands of supporters of #Venezuela's #Bolivariangovernment marched in #Caracas on Saturday to condemn the ongoing attacks by the #US and opposition-backed violence.
Just wondering after over a year when last report written and sanctions have multiplied-what has changed-
additionally there is a difference between peaceful protest and this
ex President of Chile-masquerading as Human Rights Commissioner- gives Critical report on Venezuela-
Did anyone expect her to be impartial???????????
#Venezuela | A new attack on the National Electric System, which left many sectors of the country without service, was denounced by Vice President of Communication, @jorgerpsuv
[ATTENTION] In the mega march of Chavism in the #Barinas state, the President of the National Constituent Assembly of #Venezuela speaks, @dcabellor: "to Miraflores (seat of the Venezuelan government), the right will never come back". Graphics: @ANC_ve. #Mar25

Here the evidence of the barbarism of the right that steals the money of the nation, which hires assassins to sow distress & violence, who do not even pursue a political obj, only seek to be made with billions of dollars that belong to all🇻🇪 we.tl/b-aD42B3XTml
PROOFS shown by the Vicepresident of Communication @jorgerpsuv:Statements by JuanPlanchart confirmed that actors of the🇻🇪right are behind the TerroristAttacks against the🇻🇪their aliases'Iron Man','Monster','Gavilán'&'LL'that es LeopoldoLópez
Venezuela denounces the theft of more than 30,000 million dollars "under the orders of Trump" es.rt.com/6mx7
Lavrov: "Washington's attempts to organize a coup in Venezuela are violating the UN Charter" es.rt.com/6mxq

#Venezuela | At 9:50 pm there has been a new attack on the National Electric System informs the Vice President of Communication @jorgerpsuv
… Interesting analogies 25 min. Highly suggested to watch.
ICYMI my new article was published at @FAIRmediawatch at the weekend:
Everyone Washington Supports, by Definition, Is a Moderate Centrist
'By applying sanctions which will deprive people of food, medication, humanitarian supplies, we are in fact exacerbating the human rights impact that we criticize of the country targeted'
#Venezuela Crisis vs #Yemen Crisis
If the🇺🇸really wants to save ppl from a dire humanitarian crisis,why aren’t we also then talking abt sending aid to the 23m Yemenis facing starvation right now as a result of the🇺🇸-backed Saudi bombing⁉️
🇮🇷,Africa...isn’t hostile🤨? But, you can interfere with the shared goals of democracy, security & the rule of law in other countries😂🤣Are you by any chance the emperor of the World🤣🤣?

Unofficial source affirms that arrival of Putin's Defense Minister &🇷🇺military is due to a final update to the Venezuelan missile system, as well as cooperation in search of Central American & Colombian terrorists who entered during #Blackout

Press TV's exclusive interview with #Venezuela's Foreign Minister @jaarreaza
Tune in to Press TV to watch the complete interview
Two jets with Russian military personnel arrived with #Maduro's approval – #Caracas on.rt.com/9qvw

The🇨🇳government replied to @AmbJohnBolton ,that Latin America isn’t the backyard of any country
Who should have said this: @OEA_oficial @Almagro_OEA2015 Piñera Macri Bolsonaro Duque Moreno Vizcarra but no, this requires dignity mundo.sputniknews.com/politica/20190…
Russian Foreign Minister #SergeyLavrov to US Secretary of State #MikePompeo : The United States is conducting “undisguised interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state (#Venezuela)."
Another electricity failure in #Venezuela. The smoking gun of US sabotage must be investigated. It has happened before #HandsOffVenezuela

The August 1973 electric blackout in Chile was made in USA. Four weeks later Allende was dead #HandsOffVenezuela

Human rights are not a fashion or caprice but a daily commitment to human dignity and solidarity #HandsOffVenezuela

The human rights industry peddles a kind of gmo human rights that actually dehumanize them and make them into commercial products #HandsOffVenezuela

Truthout: Down the Imperial Memory Hole With Venezuela dezayasalfred.wordpress.com/2019/03/26/tru… …

#Venezuela | The citizens of #Caracas wait patiently for the restoration of the nation's electricity system, after suffering another attack yesterday on their #electricalsystem.
Official: The Metrobus is collaborating with the #Caracas Metro system.Sitssa &Transmiranda are providing support to the private bus lines of Valles del Tuy & Altos Mirandinos.The water&ventilation system are in full operational capacity
#Venezuela | #Caracas wakes up in peace after another #electricalsabotage. #HandsOffVenezuela
#Venezuela | #Schools are suspended for 24 hours, in order to facilitate the rehabilitation works of the national electricity service, which suffered two new attacks on Monday. #HandsOffVenezuela
#Venezuelan VP Rodrigues: 'Fascist right' and their #US 'imperial masters' are behind the recent power outage
Worlds best FM (Lavrov) reads worlds worst ( @SecPompeo ) the riot act #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
The🇺🇸State Department just approved the sale of $4.8 billion of fighter jets to 🇲🇦's authoritarian monarchy
While the🇺🇸tries to overthrow🇻🇪's elected leftist government, it continues to arm actual dictatorships that repress their people
In fact while the🇺🇸(&🇫🇷) supports the🇲🇦dictatorship that is occupying & colonizing the Western Sahara, Venezuela's elected leftist government recognizes the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic & has good relations with the Polisario Front👇🏼

The US/France-backed Moroccan monarchy showed its loyalty to its neo-colonial masters by being the first Arab country to recognize Venezuela's Trump-appointed, unelected right-wing coup leader Juan Guaidó
🇺🇸-selected🇻🇪coup leader Juan Guaidó returned the favor by reassuring the 🇲🇦dictatorship that his puppet regime would consider withdrawing recognition of the Sahrawi Republic in the Western Sahara & sever ties with the Polisario Front
#Zajárova: I would like to remind J.Bolton: if USA stops tormenting Venezuela with sanctions and several international banking institutions unlock billions of dollars of Venezuelans, Venezuelans can buy medicines and food without the aid of a "kind Washington"

🇷🇺MFA Spokesperson #Zakharova: The🇺🇸S, as in ColonialTimes, continues to regard #LatinAmerica as a zone for its ExclusiveInterests, its Own”backyard” - they directly demand that it should obey Washington without a word & that other countries should steer clear

Bolton is clearly lying again. He is doing his best to *wink wink* suggest that he convinced Brazil to endorse an invasion of Venezuela when in fact the Brazilian defense minister said the exact opposite:
reuters.com/article/us-ven… …?
The🇷🇺once again fighting the bloodthirsty lunatics of the West.
Thank you Putin, for restoring Russia, without you these western imbeciles would feel free to continue massacring other nations, for now Venezuela is protected from🇺🇸bombs.
Isn't the job of our military to defend our country rather than encouraging other militaries to commit treason against their countries?
The Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister @jaarreaza holds a #bilateralmeeting with #Zimbabwe's President, Emmerson #Mnangagwa, in the #SADC #SolidarityConference for the #WesternSahara.

#FromTheSouth | #NewsBits |
The government of Venezuela has revealed a number of terrorist plots planned by some members of the opposition and backed by the international right-wing.
#Venezuela | The government announced the gradual restoration of the electricity service in #Caracas.
#Venezuela | The government announced the gradual restoration of the electricity service in #Caracas.
"Each attack against peace and stability of the Homeland will meet the overwhelming response of a mobilized people, in a Civic-Military union, which will never surrender to any empire." #HandsOffVenezuela
#Venezuela | Attacks to the transmission center at the Simón Bolívar Hydroelectric Plant left most of the country without power.
Learn how and when these attacks occurred.

Status of the Transport System in #Venezuela after the new attack on the #electricity grid.

🇩🇪government will not recognize or accredit diplomatic representatives sent to Berlin by the 🇻🇪National Assembly in contempt,consider that the diplomatic appointments correspond to the President Maduro as stated in the Bolivarian Constitution

The U.S. politicized the multilateral meeting by pressing for the acceptance of Guaido's delegate.
#Venezuela's #electricity system was attacked again twice on the same day.
The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress approved a bill to assess #Russia’s influence in #Venezuela, as well as its implications for the U.S. and its allies.
#FromTheSouth | #NewsBits | Normal services have resumed in #Venezuela following another power outage caused by sabotage. @LeonelTeleSUR is in Caracas to bring us the latest.
#JorgeArreaza Attends Western Sahara Conference in South Africa - go.shr.lc/2Ua28cO. "The #Saharawi cause is our cause", he said at the meeting. #SADCSaharawiSolidarity
"6:18 am. Caracas. March 27, 2019. Energy went away in sectors where it had already returned. Authorities have said that the system must still regain stability."
Venezuela's Attorney General, #TarekWilliamSaab, reported on that a criminal investigation was initiated into the new sabotage of the country's electricity system.
#VenezuelaResiste #HandsOffVenezuela
#InPictures | Photos of the damage caused in #Guri, because of the fire caused by the counter-revolution. #Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela

How's that for honesty ! USA = Darth Vader or evil incarnate
And US sanctions on Venezuela = death grip
Thread to read👇
Russia will only be independent or seize to exist.
Putin knows that this may mean the end of the world, but " what will a world without Russia be?"
"Next WW will not be fought on Russian land."
A bon entendeur, salut!
And we all know why the Trump Administration is interested in Venezuela
Attacking Venezuela & risking war with Russia is putting "America first"? This is crazy, Trump & his administration are out of control! No more regime change wars!!!
Russia must get out of 🇻🇪, all options open - Trump rt.com/news/454901-ru…
"All options are on the table" what is that supposed to mean? Bombing a sovereign country that has never attacked us and also attacking another country who has the other world's massive stockpile of nuclear weapons? Trump is reckless and a danger to the world.

Oh & no thanks to the RussiaGaters who gave him cover for years as he filled his cabinet with psychopath neo-cons & aggressively postured himself to prepare to attack other countries. Blood is on your hands. MAGA is this what you voted for???
Trump demanded "Russia has to get out" of Venezuela and implied the U.S. might use military force to confront Russia during a meeting with Fabiana Rosales, the wife of coup frontman Juan Guaidó usnews.com/news/world/art…
Once again, this is an extremely dangerous statement from Trump that increases the likelihood of war with a nuclear power, but conspiratorial-minded liberals will ignore it and insist Trump is Putin's puppet
It matches Bolton's "sending in the troops to protect the 50.000 Americans there."
And what's the Puppet's moll doing there-smuggling the arms back. Usually Lopez' wife is joined at her hip-was there a delegation of🇻🇪Mafia Molls to bring back the next set of plans!!!

@realDonaldTrump must take his neocon with him and get out of the Middle East. All options are on the table including missile deployment in Cuba, Nicaragua & Mexico...🤘👍(in #Putin's mind)🤤

WikiLeaks paper reveals US empire was becoming anxious about Venezuela adopting euro and directing exports to China

🚨 #BreakingNews 🚨
In this Video @jguaido recognizes that they are responsible for the darkness/blackouts.
🗣️‼️Let the world know who are the culprits of the Electric Sabotage‼️
#DerechaLatAmFascista 🇻🇪
🇻🇪has every right to choose its allies‼️
🇨🇳defends 🇻🇪's right to choose its security partnership w/🇷🇺, rebukes🇺🇸: "Latin American countries are all sovereign states, they have the right to determine their own foreign policy ... Latin America [is not] a certain country's backyard" newsweek.com/china-us-venez…
This @Southcom tweet of a🇺🇸Navy Admiral’s call for a coup in🇻🇪tagged several gov’t agencies & officials, & supposedly non-affiliated media outlets @CNNEE @Reuters. What does it say that the🇺🇸military sees corporate media as its mouthpiece?

Power just cut and the right wing nutjobs that apparently live not far from cheap hotel are literally howling in joy, doing their pot banging idiocy, not realizing what pawns of Empire they are.
Truly sad.

Also, saw absolutely zero signs of the "humanitarian crisis" corporate media & the Marco Rubio, John Bolton, Eliot Abrahms gang masturbatingly tweet & shriek about daily.
Ppl I spoke to said it's a lie, they aren't starving.

On Avila, the mountain overlooking Caracas, I saw long line of tankers being filled by mountain spring water to be distributed around the city and outside, with a long list of hospitals to be supplied.

More sabotage? Another widespread power outage in Venezuela as the gov't denounces a "double attack" against the country's main electricity generator
Electricity slowly being brought back online, with some temporary blackouts being reported. Western state of Zulia has not had power for 36 hours.
Another #HandsOffVenezuela rally taking place this Saturday in DC

A glimpse into the Venezuelan elite: a 3-day wedding extravaganza, full of expensive food and whiskey, wondering when the US marines will arrive
Right, so 100 Russian soldiers, reportedly to fulfill technical/military cooperation contracts, are a "dangerous provocation." & what do we call 7 US military bases in 🇨🇴 & frequent military drills? "Backyard maintenance work" or something?
@AmbJohnBolton feels the message needs to be repeated by a war criminal to be taken more seriously
#Ecuador will host the second edition of the "Concert without Borders" to fight against #xenophobia and to raise funds to help #migrants in situations of vulnerability. #Venezuela #Migration
#Germany will not recognize the opposition lawmaker #JuanGuaido's envoy to #Berlin as #Venezuela's ambassador.
ANSWER and @codepink activists confront @SecPompeo with the realities of Venezuela while he testifies today! #HandsOffVenezuela
The 🇻🇪blackouts continue but don't just assume that their electric grid is failing right now because of Chavista incompetence.
The🇺🇸is involved in a regime change operation & there's a paper trail indicating that this is part of the plan.
Very interesting and potentially significant reasoning - the "30 days" are up and Guaido is no more president of🇻🇪than is the man in the moon. Is the🇺🇸losing its EU lapdogs...er "allies" on this boneheaded Venezuela regime change gambit?
As President @NicolasMaduro and the people of Venezuela make clear every day, the US has to take its #HandsoffVenezuela"
The @nytimes claimed to present bombshell revelations regarding the weaponization of Cuban doctors. On closer inspection, however, the article is riddled with factual inaccuracies, omissions and misrepresentations
By @venanalysis
Not-so-smooth sailing? European countries aren’t handing diplomatic treatment to self-proclaimed @jguaido's "ambassadors". Germany also complains that the 30 days to call new elections (if art. 233 applied, which it doesn't) have expired
VA's @lm_koerner will be discussing the ongoing Trump-backed coup in Venezuela w/ @BenjaminNorton at 10pm ET
#Bolton, #Pompeo and #Trump probably believe that they are the "good guys". As presumably Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Milosevic also saw themselves as having a "good" mission #HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump

Russia is not provoking anyone by complying with a cooperation agreement with Venezuela dating back to 2001 #HandsOffVenezuela

The US is provoking the world by repeatedly violating international law, the UN and OAS Charters and by bullying Latin American countries in the worst neo-colonial style #HandsOffVenezuela

the US has no justification to experience "consternation" in regard to Russian advisors in Venezuela. US advisors swarm in many Latin America, African and Asian countries #HandsOffVenezuela

Double-standards are as old as politics, but that does not mean we want to preserve the tradition #HandsOffVenezuela

Extorsion, blackmail and just plain bullying are political tools used as needed by Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, Louis XIV, and Trump (maybe Trump belongs in a different category) #HandsOffVenezuela

Marco Rubio (who suspiciously knew information about the previous blackout that the🇻🇪government didn't even know) is openly threatening+power outages until Venezuelans overthrow their elected leftist leader & install a right-wing🇺🇸puppet
The U.S. hasn't yet managed to destroy Venezuela but Pompeo is already talking about how much it's going to cost to rebuild yahoo.com/news/u-pompeo-…
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter