it’s just that she is selling a product via a middleman (itunes, whatever), i’m not.
but it’s ALL just artists needing money to live & work.
LOOK AROUND. we need honesty, authenticity & bravery in art now more than ever before in human history.
the “system” isn’t willing to reward art like that.
but PEOPLE are.
artists are scrambling.
the music business - after everything it should’ve learned post-napster - is still screwing artists & the public is none the wiser.
but bold art will surface to the top.
pay attention.
the revolution may well be crowdfunded.
talk about this.
ask me questions.
and here’s a link to my patreon. i’d love you to come be part of our community. it is awesome.
it’s cheap on bandcamp because it was paid for by my patrons. (& to them, you know the deal guys. i love you).