In a bid to protect either a market or a vital source of commodities, was why the colonial authorities were coopted by merchants
Today's corporate giants in Nigeria do their business by basically taking out raw materials and bringing back semi-finished goods, which they merely polish before sale to the market.
They have used this method to keep the proprietary information on their entrepreneurial know how to themselves, while leaving us content with oil royalties.
The first is our out-of-control population explosion. This has served to foment an existential crisis for Nigeria that is impossible to ignore and equally impossible to continue to passify.
This phenomenon coupled with capitalism's inexorable demand for profit, has meant that basic industrial knowhow cannot
Therefore we discover a plethora of counterweights to the European economic hegemony over Africa, who are serving to democratize the access to infrastructure & industrial knowhow.
Nigeria has been changing slowly for over a decade now due to the forces
Recent news about p&g and nestle closing down factories, and PZ also reducing its Nigerian exposure, are clear
Nigeria has ample capacity to lift itself out of the economic morass which she funds herself today.
Cutting the apron strings of Western economic oxygen will help us stand on our own feet
Nigeria should start
The destiny, toil and aspirations of 200 million people will not be surrendered to the rapacious and prebendal predatory interests of a few (multinational backed) international powerbrokers and their lackeys in Nigeria.
Enough is enough.
O to ge!