That would change, abruptly and violently. 2/
I traveled with Tom Brown, a veteran war photographer who also happens to be married to the great @cbudoffbrown. 3/


It was a matter of time. 14/

Draper later died in a car wreck in 2016. 18/

My own first firefight appears in the lede of this story, first published in 2010 and re-published here. It wouldn't be the last. 21/
DePrimo was a young squad leader trying to keep his guys alive. Clay was salty combat vet who had been wounded in Iraq, in the Battle of Nasiriyah. Spent a fair amount of time with both of them. 23/
How do I?
This new story for The Post gave me a new chance to try, and I’m grateful for it. 24/
I went from being iffy about staying in Washington to committed to a specific niche of journalism and eventually joining @washingtonpost to do it. 25/
You're not the only one, guys. 27/27

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