Your work & this moment in history deserves more compassionate & thoughtful response, so here it is: THREAD
As a Canadian I also appreciate the coal phase out, the price on pollution & other elements of your climate platform but.../2
#cdnpoli #CdnClimate #ClimateEmergency
#cdnpoli #cdnclimate #climateemergency
#cdnpoli #cdnclimate #climatestrikecanada
We now have the technology for large scale renewables & electrification & globally.
We are ALREADY producing more oil & gas than the world can safely burn…
We must stop pretending we can expand #oilandgas, &prepare our economy & our children for the future.…
But we're out of time for dishonest conversation & incremental policy.
The worsening situation requires stronger climate ambition for emission reductions NOW to get to #NetZero by 2050. /14
#climatestrikecanada #cdnpoli #ClimateEmergency
But if we planned now for existing fields to decline with no expansion, it is almost exactly equivalent with how much the world can consume and still keep below the 2 degree pathway.
#climatestrikecanada #cdnpoli #ClimateEmergency
By betting on that pipeline you are betting global policy will fail.
#ClimateEmergency #cdnpoli #elxn43

And courage is contagious.…
#climatestrikecanada #ClimateEmergency