Trump suddenly pulls US troops out of Northern Syria, leaving the Kurds exposed, and now being slaughtered by Turkey, which has invaded Syria. What is going on. Short thread about Trump & Kurds
...& Syria
...& Turkey
...& Putin
...& Iran & ...
So first the Kurds. They are a large population living in Northern Iraq, Southern Turkey, Northern Syria and Northwestern Iran. They SHOULD have their own country. They've tried to have one for DECADES and have been persecuted in their various 'home' countries
The USA has seeked the assistance of the Kurds in fighting Saddam Hussein of Iraq, later ISIS and recently Bashad al-Assad of Syria. Kurds are the STRONGEST allies the USA has in that region. Also the most RELIABLE and the best bravest warriors.
For many DECADES the Kurds have attempted to create their own country in all 4 countries they live in. In Turkey they've become ever more violent. It is an independence struggle. Dictator Erdogan wants to crush the 'rebel' Kurds that he calls conveniently terrorists
When Saddam Hussein was dethroned in Iraq, the best solution for Kurds would have been an independent nation. Unfortunately for them, Republican assholes of Cheney (Bush 2) Admin didn't allow that. Now with Syrian Civil War, they have a 'region' of 'nearly their own'
So Kurds have the 'nearest thing' to 'their own country' in Northern Syria. This had the PROTECTION of USA, vs Turkish retaliation from across the border, which ONLY TOOK about 100 US soldiers stationed there. Not 10,000.... a hundred or so soldiers
Trump betrayed the Kurds. Turkey's Dictator Erdogan is afraid a Kurdish nation would be a threat to him, and perhaps cause a split of South-Eastern Turkey joining that new nation. Erdogan wants to build a BIGGER Turkey (like Putin in Russia).
Erdogan wants to INVADE Syria, to take a SLICE of Syria, that becomes part of Turkey. Onto that slice, Erdogan wants to deport refugees from the Middle East. And he wants to EXTERMINATE any Kurds that happen to be there. Nice guy
Trump has been told all this. He didn't care. Because Trump was bribed with a Trump Towers in Turkey (just opened). The Trump-Erdogan link was bribes from the start. So Trump SOLD OUT the Kurds, America's allies.
Who is helped? Turkey HUGE winner. Erdogan gets to slaughter Kurds while the USA looks the other way. Those are war crimes. He's slaughtering civilians. NOTE that Putin is power behind Erdgan's throne. PUTIN.. yes... Putin wants to break NATO
Who else? Syria, Assad is helped by Turkey attacking Assad's enemy, the Kurds, from the North. By the way, whose boy is Assad the mass-murdering Dictator of Syria? He is Putin's boy of course.
Who else? Iran is also aided by weakining the Kurds.
Who is hurt? Kurds of course. Israel! NATO. And VERY VERY importantly,. for DECADES.. USA's reputation. America CANNOT BE TRUSTED. They will SELL YOU OUT. They will BETRAY you.
Who gains the most? Vladimir Putin
The humanitarian crisis & potential genocide of Kurds caused by Trump, is his worst mistake (so far). It becomes now URGENT to get Trump out of office. As soon as possible, Republicans have to force Trump to change course with Kurds
But Putin? Well played... again