Can we get the ICC involved? The Hague? The Pope? The UN, EU, NATO, SOMEONE, ANYONE to stop him committing war crimes by proxy....
When it's always been up to us.

1) Call your Senators and Representative---> Not kidding
Put pressure on them for impeachment, for censure, for reversing course in Syria. Everything.
Senate ☎️(202) 224-3121
Rep ☎️(202) 225-3121
Occupy them. Bring some friends. Take it in turns. Bring snacks. Lotsa water. Make it a "round the clock" sit-in until you get some satisfaction. They work for you and it's about time they started acting like it.
@IndivisibleTeam and similar organizations have hundreds of chapters all across the country, with support, rapid response networks, and lots of ideas on how you can contribute to the ongoing #Resistance. Find one near you.
Too much is decided on the state level to be ignored.
For Syria:
Reason: they can't.
Legally cannot do it.
The ICC has rules governing which cases they can take on, and a rogue POTUS* ain't one.
Lemme explain:
So that eliminates one of the ways the ICC could prosecute: member countries who commit crimes that meet its threshold.
But since the US has veto power in the UN Security Council, that will never happen either.
We have the power to do it ourselves.
We are 300 MILLION+ strong.
If we can't deal with one Rogue POTUS* via our own peaceful, democratic means, we don't deserve this republic.