Tl;dr: 'hybrid' landing zone is close for Northern Ireland/Customs, but issues remain on the future declaration (which bears on NI arrangement)
Hard details are sparse, but understand that talks are narrowing down on an NI solution./2
Or as one source puts it, rather elegantly... /4

Three other sources acknowledge progress, but aren't banking a deal.
"Let's not over do it" ; Don't "underestimate challenges involved"
Undeniably, on balance more positive noises....but there's a 'but'.../5
France particularly anxious on pre-baking out come of future relationship/LPF issues in the divorce deal. /9
But there does seem to be political impetus for a deal, if at all possible.
After all, the @BorisJohnson customs pivot has exposed the landing zone/10
The 'no deal' and 'alternative arrangements' or 'tech' for the border gambits seem to have been overtaken by reality /11
Or the EU response could -possibly - be delayed (not withheld) until result of current talks is known. /13
If they can be, then, as @SamuelMarcLowe explains to me, it's not impossible that EU could live with the risk of a hybrid solution. /14
Progress, but not a deal.
Optimism, but not ecstasy.
The FTA/Future issue lingers.
But broadly, it feels as if deal chances have risen. /17