Don,t let me bore u with my farm English,
How can you start a goat farm?,
Startup requirement
Feeding and medication?
These and many more is what i will be discussing in the next tweets

There are several types of goat breeds. However,few are reared in Nigeria because of our tropical weather.
2. Red Sokoto (Maradi)
3. Boer goat of South Africa origin
Of all the above mentioned, West African Dwarf is the commonest and cheapest to manage.
The Boer goat are hybrid goats with lots of flesh.
You can buy or be gifted by long time rearers.
To start a herd, get male animals of above a year of age with wide deep chest, well-sprung ribs, and strong hindquarters.
A doe (female) should have at least two pairs of teats. Must be haelthy and well fed.
A quarantine period of 30 days should be observed in bringing freshly purchased animals into a flock. This gives ample time for observation and attack
Goats should be housed to protect them from bad weather rain, sun and wind. Each adult goat should be allowed
Housing cud be on raised floor made of bamboo with d thatched roof covering mid-way into the pens on both sides.Feeding &watering trough (concrete,metal or plastic),
Its also important you fence you farm land to curtail the movement of the herds.Use a barbwire.
Goats pay very close attention to the kind of food they eat. They focus on the accuracy and details of their meals.
Because of their mobile upper lips and very prehensile tongues, they are easily able to browse on very short grass, and to feed on foilage not usually
wide variety of animal food, but would refuse any feed that has been soiled by them or by any other animal.
Feed adult animals with hay or crop residue plus legume hay at 1-2 kg/animal/day
millet, Rice bran or sorghum straws obtained after harvesting can be collected, treated and given to the animals free
choice. Dissolve about 0.5 of ash made from cocoa pod husk or 1kg ash from palm bunch into a bucket of water to make a
morning or dry for some few hours before feeding, to increase intake. Animals can then be allowed to graze or browse
In coming days, I will discuss how you can make quality cheap goat meal for fattening.
Goat market is readily available.Goat meat has a unique taste and smell.
Goats are on high demands during festive periods such as Ileya, Christmas and New year celebration.
You can also sell to joints around your neighborhood. Goat is used for Suya,Asun and pepper soup
Sell to restaurant & Buka owners.
U can also slaughter them, dress, process and frozen for cooperate buyers.
Goat milk is highly valued in the cosmetic industry, you can sell goat milk to people who needs it for making cream.