Er, no.
Dizzy yet?
Nope, not always. Depends on how many delegates a particular precinct is allotted. Viability can be anywhere from 15-25%, or not exist at all in single-delegate precincts. I think.
It's going to be worthless.
Hoboy, I'm pouring a whiskey for this one.
You also into the brown liquor yet?
Now you've got 1,000 people in a space designed for 300, all trying to jostle past one another into candidate camps.
Now wait while the caucus chair counts each and every one of your beautiful heads and does some elaborate math to determine viability.
2. There are things are can all do to encourage the best case. Please do those things.
4. Patience counts twice.
5. There will be no narrative out of Iowa and probably no fewer than six. Choose Your Own Adventure.
6. The caucus system is not tenable.
7. Patience counts thrice.
@threadreaderapp, I call upon ye, #unroll.