This took the recent US-Iran conflict to another level, putting Iraq in the heart of the fight. (1)
Three reactions to watch for in the next few hours:
Iraqi PM Adil Abd al-Mahdi, Muqtada al-Sadr, Sistani’s Friday message in the coming few hours, & of course Iran’s statement. (2)
But the main challenge will be the armed groups that aren’t controlled by #Iraq’s Commander-in-Chief. (3)
Iraq’s govt. is at its weakest time, since the PM’s resignation. They will not be in a position to do much for or against either side in the dispute. (4)
They will initially hold the Iraqi government hostage to their demand for formally requesting the US to leave #Iraq. A move, if it happens, will give them pretext to use violence. (6)
This indicates that Iran & its Iraqi allies will target Iraqi friends of the US. (9)
To put it in perspective, Gen. Soleimani is regionally equally, if not more, important as Iran’s Foreign Minister. (10)
While all TV stations are having live coverage of the killing of al-Muhandis and #Soleimani, an event that may re-shape the future of #Iraq, the official Iraqi TV is running a report on the old spices market in #Mosul. (11)

Therefore, al-Sadr effectively re-instated the Mahdi Army & Liwa’ al-Yawm al-Maw’oud, which he froze in the past. (13)
“The Assassination is a clear violation of he conditions of the presence of US forces in Iraq.” He called it “an aggression against Iraq, people & state.”
PM Abd al-Mahdi called for an emergency session by the Parliament. (14)
Translation: (a) possibly a vote to expel US forces or canonize the rules of their operations in Iraq. (b) throwing the ball in Parliament’s court. (16)
1st. Deputy Speaker of Parliament MP Hassan al-Ka’bi calls for an emergency session on Saturday to address the US military operation that targeted Al-Muhandis & Gen. Soleimani. (18)…
Also, the US-led Coalition denied it conducted any operations in that area.
Who did it, at this critical time & why?!…
“The world cannot afford another war in the Gulf.”
You got that right! (25)