Location: Department of Liver Transplantation, Tianjin Taida Hospital
Time: 2006
Organ recipients: 37 Saudi Arabians
Organ donors: People of Xinjiang (most likely Uyghurs).
She asked how long is the waiting time.
Her friend told her longest is 6 months and shortest is 1 month.
Ms Aili said “It is human slaughter on demand.”
Video link:
The twitted video starts from 56:55.
Now there are fast “organ” lanes in the airports of #Uyghur region.
It’s address in Chinese:
天津经济技术开发区第三大街65号 邮编:300457
Baridu page of the hospital: baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A4%A9…
She first introduced herself said she has worked on constructions in middle east in the following vide starting from 1 min 37 sec youtube.com/watch?v=3AyTgB…
Mr. Lude's channel is popular among Chinese audience.