▶️ sexual jokes, comments & gestures
▶️ staring or leering
▶️ intrusive questions about a person’s private or sex life, & discussing your own
Find out more at musiciansunion.org.uk/Home/Advice/Yo… #WHM2020
Freelancers like musicians are not always covered by the laws that protect people from sexual harassment at work.
Sign the petition to #ProtectFreelancersToo ➡️ megaphone.org.uk/petitions/end-…
We’ve seen examples including musicians being harassed at hotels while on tour. It counts, and you can report it.
➡️ musiciansunion.org.uk/safespace #WHM2020
▶️ 58% have witnesses it
▶️ 1 in 3 said their experience was linked to a protected characteristic & more than 20% said they were not sure
We want to change that. #WHM2020
▶️ 61% believe freelancers are at greater risk.
“There just aren’t the protections in law for freelance workers that there should be” - Naomi
Read more at musiciansunion.org.uk/Home/News/2019… #WHM2020

Examples range from having to inform an artist that blackface is wrong, to telling engagers that they shouldn’t ask female musicians to dress in hotpants or as barbie dolls.
It used to be in the Equality Act, says John, but it was taken away a couple of years ago. We want it back without any 3 strikes rule.
With that, we’re done for this evening!
If you experience sexual harassment in the music industry, you can report it in confidence to safespace@theMU.org