32F presents with fevers, chills, & malaise x 5 days. Pt is somnolent and accompanied by her husband who denies localizing symptoms.
VS T 39C BP 120/60 HR 100 RR 14 100% RA
Therefore the limb leads I and II are capturing artifact (probably from movement of the patient).
CBC, CMP, & UA - wnl
Blood cultures - in process
CXR clear
45 min later, the patient is more awake but doesn't remember shivering or surrounding events.
Repeat VBG: pH 7.42 pCO2 43 lactate 0.8 mmol/L
What was this "violent shivering" episode?
Need a little refresher on generalized tonic clonic seizures? Thank you @EmmaHLevine & @jackpenner!
Thanks for following this case with us!