Democracy is no barrier to success, but failure to invest in fundamentals is. #Germany gets the award for all-round excellence.…
Learning from SARS Singapore has detailed contract tracing in place, and practices a radical (+ controversial) form of transparency. TraceTogether app lets you know when you're approaching a person or building carrying virus…
The U.S. (alongside Germany, and perhaps Turkey) has world-leading ICU bed ratio. It's big companies were both among the first to work from home & the purveyors of the tools (Zoom, Slack et al) helping 100s of millions work from home
Prime Minister Andrej Babiš addresses the nation wearing a blue mask, and on March 18 his government made masks compulsory when out in public, with mask evaders subject to a $410 fine. That sent Czechs into a DIY sewing overdrive.
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