check out this lovely shop front,
be amazing space restored, enjoyed for home, work & play
no reason at all this can't change & change quickly #pfg
#homeless #dereliction #culturalheritage #socialcrime

sadly one of many derelict buildings here
great to see it being used to celebrate Traveller Eileen Flynn's appointment to the senate
#homeless #culturalheritage

#CorkCC & Irish #pfg need to do more, policies clearly aren't working
#housingforall #regeneration

the old shop front has so much character
be great to see it restored & used, someone's home, workspace, retail
#homeless #regeneration

one of many vacant properties #Cork city & across Ireland, this one on historic route way
a lost opportunity for #CorkCC & #pfg not to implement appropriate measures ensure #HousingForAll & #regeneration

how beautiful the Butter Exchange is
it has given #Cork so much since 1730s
its unforgivable to see it unloved, unused since 2008
when it should be amazing craft, culture, community, maker, creative space
#culturalheritage #respect

someone's home lying empty, unloved, slowly decaying
we really need to tackle affordable housing & dereliction across Ireland
#homelessness #housingforall #pfg

this one has 2018 plans to be demolished & turned into a home
note the historically interesting feature to let horses pass easy
let's hope it becomes someone's home soon & retains that feature
#regeneration #respect

decaying for a long while, now up for sale w full planning for mixed use
fingers crossed it will be someones home asap & will be affordable as well as being repaired with respect to extend its longlife

good news is one sold recently & the plans are to maintain outside aesthetic
they're in poor condition, hopefully they can be restored respectfully for someones home again very soon
#cuturalheritage #homelessness

this old stable was rebuilt 20 years ago, from research it's been empty for a long while
should be someone's home, workspace
#homelessness #culturalheritage

#Cork character, would be great to see it restored for someone's home, work place
#culturalheritage #homelessness #dereliction

this one should be someones home but it clearly needs some urgent attention before it crumbles
#not1home #socialcrime #homelessness #respect

yet we have so many homeless & so many who can't afford a bed or home in the centre
#Corkcc #pfg need to do more #not1home #HousingForAll
hopefully this one is just being renovated

this beauty dating 1875-1895 has had so many features destroyed
beyond frustrating to see our historic buildings unused, unloved & crumbling
#fringe #culturalheritage #Cork #respect

should be someone's home
#dereliction #not1home #homelessness

clearly public toilets were once something valued, well designed for long-life, be great to see these bought back to use
#HeritageWeek2020 #respect #dereliction #COVID19

this one an old cottage crumbling away
should be someones home
#homelessness #not1home #respect #HeritageWeek

this one has loads of character, check out the wonderful entrance, the railings, doorway, steps so characteristic of much of older Cork
should be someones home
#HeritageWeek2020 #not1home #homelessness #culturalheritage

a tree that was growing out of one of top windows was recently cut back so hopefully its going to be someones home again soon
#not1home #regeneration #homelessness #HeritageWeek2020

so much character, Dutch-design feel, so sad to see it left get to this state of disrepair
be amazing to see it restored, used as an arts, culture, play venue
#HeritageWeek2020 #respect #regeneration #dereliction

should be someones home, work, community space
so sad to see so many derelict, vacant, crumbling properties across Ireland
#not1home #HeritageWeek #homeless #respect #pfg #meanwhileuse

should be someones home in Cork city
check out the view from overhead on google, clearly two more potential homes vacant behind it
#not1home #heritage #homeless #respect

hopefully someones home in Cork again very soon, could have a lovely, productive garden in front
#not1home #heritage #homeless #economy #vacancy

#not1home #herigage #homeless #regeneration #respect

walking distance from the city centre, lovely location Northside, nice sized garden too
#CorkCC need to act
#vacancy #not1home #HousingForAll #socialcrime

lovely quiet historic location in Northside, walking/cycling distance from the centre
#CorkCC need to act
#vacancy #not1home #HousingForAll #socialcrime

really should be someones home, its not on the derelict list which is surprising given its current state #CorkCC
#dereliction #not1home #heritage #socialcrime #respect #homeless

hopefully the boarding will come down soon & it becomes someone home again
#dereliction #not1home #heritage #socialcrime #respect #homeless

should be someone's home, workspace, great central location too #Cork
#housingforall #dereliction #regeneration #not1home #socialcrime

while its a small building, could still make nice, functional space & give better feel to the street as well as having an economic function
#dereliction #regeneration #beauty #wellbeing #economy

again a small building, potential for a nice, functional space with economic function
#dereliction #regeneration #beauty #wellbeing #economy

why not?
it's one of many, many beautiful buildings across the centre lying long term empty, decaying
bring in #meanwhileuse Ireland to boost economy; focus on #circular #sustainable #ecodesign #urbanmanufacturing #urbanscale #creativity