Why the Single National Curriculum would be an abject failure & why it reeks of #Fascism |

Dr Mubarak Ali , Historian , Teacher & Author

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#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
#Diversity #Pluralism
1 - How the #British #Historian & #BritishRaj used #Religion & Narrative of #Muslim #Hindu to divide people of #India

Dr Mubarak Ali, Historian , Teacher & Author

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
#Diversity #Pluralism
2 - How the #British #Historian & #BritishRaj used #Religion & Narrative of #Muslim #Hindu to divide people of #India

Dr Mubarak Ali, Historian , Teacher & Author

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
#Diversity #Pluralism
1 - Pakistan’s #Liberals #Secular #Progressive instead of Blaming Regressive & #Fascist 👉 #SingleNationalCurriculum , should blame #Jinnah for using #Religion as a Political Tool.

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#SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب #IslamicExtremism #Pakistan
2 - General Ayub Khan was #Secular but he used a heretic Ghulam Ahmed Perwez (Former Advisor on religious affairs for #Jinnah & #AllamaIqbal) to counter #JamaateIslami & #Deobandi #Mullahs

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
3 - Former CJ LHC & Foreign Minister of Ayub , Mr Manzur Qadir & his typewriter decided whether Pakistan would be Islamic or Republic.

Invention of Islamic Ideological Council in Pakistan

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
4 - Bhutto & Zia used #Islam as a Political Tool. Pakistan Studies, Islam were added in the Curriculum & created Religious Affairs Ministry & General Zia just perfected it more !


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
5 - We are living in Zia’s Pakistan. How Zia’s Islamisation ruined Pakistan. There is no difference b/w Secular & Religious Parties now, all of them use #Islam as a political tool.

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
6 - Zia’s Islamisation strengthened the #Mullahs in Pakistan through the Draconian Laws enacted by Zia. When someone challenge these Mullahs,they use excommunication sword against opponents

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
7 - #Democracy & #Secularism are need of the hour for #Pakistan and so is the separation of Religion from State. Stop quoting #Jinnah & #AllamaIqbal ، both are irrelevant now , move on


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
1 - Instead of giving multiple choice to the students. #Pakistan shoves LIES down the throats of Students in the name of #History through #TextBooks | Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب #Bangladesh
2 - Instead of giving multiple choice to the students. #Pakistan shoves LIES down the throats of Students in the name of #History through #TextBooks | Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب #EastPakistan
1 - Pathetic State of Affair of Faculty of #History & #History #TextBooks in the entire #KP province of #Pakistan reveals Teacher & Author Sultan-i-Rum from #Swat | @Khadimhussain4


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
2 - Pathetic State of Affair of Faculty of #History & #History #TextBooks in the entire #KP province of #Pakistan reveals Teacher & Author Sultan-i-Rum from #Swat | @Khadimhussain4


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
1 - How the Intellectually Dishonest #Pakistani #Historians linked #Pakistan with #Arabs instead of South Asia & #Islamised Pakistan History | @irfhabib @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad @odysseuslahori


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
2 - How the Intellectually Dishonest #Pakistani #Historians linked #Pakistan with #Arabs instead of South Asia & #Islamised Pakistan History | @abbasnasir59 @hyzaidi @titojourno


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
3 - How the Intellectually Dishonest & #Racist #Pakistani #Historians including Aitzaz Ahsan linked #Pakistan with #CentralAsia instead of South Asia & #Islamised Pakistan History


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
4 - How the Intellectually Dishonest & #Racist #Pakistani #Historians including Aitzaz Ahsan linked #Pakistan with #CentralAsia instead of South Asia & #Islamised Pakistan History


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
5 - Mr @WusatUllahKhan asks “ who are the unknown authors who wrote #History #TextBooks in our #Syllabus of #Pakistan for millions of Students (Class 5 to Intermediate) @Xadeejournalist


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
معروف صحافی و کالم نگار وسعت اللہ خان صاحب @WusatUllahKhan جاننا چاہتے ہیں کہ آخر وہ کون نامعلوم مصنفین ہیں جو کروڑوں بچوں / طالبعلموں کے لیئے کتابیں لکھتے اور انہیں کوئی نہیں جانتا ؟

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
6 - Nietzsche said “ there is no truth only perspective “ | Nation States holds its monopoly on #History #TextBooks #Syllabus with Extreme Prejudice | Historian Dr Mubarak Ali


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
7 - Comment is free, but facts are sacred implies Mr Ghazi Salahuddin | Dr Mubarak said “ You cannot partition / divide history of #India & #Pakistan , only because of 1947 Partition


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
8 - Students must be encouraged & taught the Ancient #History of #India | History should not be divided / bifurcated on Religious Lines (actually done by #BritishRaj ) Dr Mubarak Ali


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
9 - “Teaching selective #History to the students & conveniently subtracting the past History “reveals Teacher & Author Sultan-i-Rum from #Swat | @Khadimhussain4


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
10 - #Pakistani Students #TextBooks #Syllabus are disconnected from even #IslamicHistory let alone General History “reveals Teacher & Author Sultan-i-Rum from #Swat | @Khadimhussain4


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
11 - “ Eternal Confusion of #Pakistani #Historians #TextBooks #Syllabus | Manufacturing of History “ Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad (Former Dir. Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University)


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
12 - “ Eternal Confusion of #Pakistani #Historians #TextBooks #Syllabus | Manufacturing of History “ Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad (Former Dir. Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University)


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
13 - “ Manufacturing of History in #Pakistani #TextBooks #Syllabus for petty Political Motives” Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad (Former Dir. Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University)


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
14 - “Concept of People’s History in #Pakistani #TextBooks #Syllabus “ in #India the renowned Historian Mr Irfan Habib has done a wonderful work on this concept “ , says Dr Mubarak Ali


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
1 - “ Sources of People’s History : History of People’s Beliefs, Revenue Records, Court Documents “ Dr Mubarak Ali


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
2 - if we would include #BritishCID record / documents in our #Pakistani #TextBooks #Syllabus then we may be able to know that many Freedom Fighters were actually on #British payroll


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
“ اگر برطانوی خفیہ پولیس سی آئی ڈی کا برصغیر کا ریکارڈ جوکہ ڈیکلاسیفائیڈ ہوچکا ہے منظر عام پر لے آیا جائے تو تحریک آزادی کے اکثر رہنماؤں کی پول پٹی کھل کر رہ جائے کیونکہ اکثر تاج برطانیہ سے وظیفہ لیتے تھے “

حوالہ :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC
Every #Pakistani should read Murder of History by K K Aziz to know how we distorted our #TextBooks & #Syllabus Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad (Former Dir. Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University)


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد صاحب نے تمام پاکستانیوں کو مشورہ دیا کہ وہ خورشید کمال عزیز کی تصنیف تاریخ کا قتل کا مطالعہ فرمائیں تاکہ معلوم ہو کہ ہم نے اپنی تاریخ کو درسی نصاب میں کتنا مسخ کیا ہے

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
Why reading #IbnKhaldun & his Muqaddimah , and Howard Zinn is a must for Pakistani students & teachers Explains Dr.Syed Jaffar Ahmad (Former Dir. Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University)

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد صاحب نے تمام طالبعلموں اور اساتذہ کو بالکل صحیح مشورہ دیا کہ مؤرخ و فلسفی ابن خلدون اور اسکا مقدمہ اور ہاورڈ ذن کا مطالعہ ضرور کریں

حوالہ :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #AikNisab #ایک_نصاب
How #Pakistan & #India both distort #History ! Attentively listen to the renowned #Indian Historian , Teacher & Author Mr Irfan Habib !

Ref : |

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #AikNisab #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #Padmavat #Padmavati #Khilji #Hindus #Muslims
1 - How #Pakistan & #India Distort #History by sabotaging their own #TextBooks #Syllabus for petty Political motives ! Explains renowned Historian Prof Romila Thapar to Teesta Setalvad

Ref :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #AikNisab #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب
2 - How #Pakistan & #India Distort #History by sabotaging their own #TextBooks #Syllabus for petty Political motives !

Watch renowned Historian Prof Romila Thapar with Teesta Setalvad

Ref :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #AikNisab #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب
3 - How #Pakistan & #India Distort #History by sabotaging their own #TextBooks #Syllabus for petty Political motives !

Watch renowned Historian Prof Romila Thapar with Teesta Setalvad

Ref :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #AikNisab #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب
4 - How #Pakistan & #India Distort #History by sabotaging their own #TextBooks #Syllabus for petty Political motives !

Watch renowned Historian Prof Romila Thapar with Teesta Setalvad

Ref :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #AikNisab #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب

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More from @mughalbha

17 Sep
1 - Skewing the Narrative & Murdering History
Parallel Histories: A search for the truth | Ms @BaelaJamil Mr @BangashYK


#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
2 - Skewing the Narrative & Murdering History Parallel Histories: A search for the truth | Ms @BaelaJamil Mr @BangashYK

“End History & Create Pakistan Studies”


#AikNisab #Pakistan
#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
3 - Skewing the Narrative & Murdering History Parallel Histories: A search for the truth | Ms @BaelaJamil explains “Conjuring / Imagining Pakistan History”


#AikNisab #Pakistan
#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
Read 27 tweets
16 Sep
1 - Skewed History: How #History Dies in the #Syllabus ? Ms @BaelaJamil itacec.org reveals “ How we stopped teaching History & replaced it with #PakistanStudies in 1972

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
2 - Skewed History: How #History Dies in the #Syllabus ? Ms @BaelaJamil itacec.org reveals “How the State in #Pakistan manufactured & crafted #History

Full Segment :

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
3 - Skewed History: How #History Dies in the #Syllabus ? Ms @BaelaJamil itacec.org reveals the services rendered by General Ziaul Haq & Gen Javed Ashraf Qazi for #Education

#SingleNationalCurriculum #SNC #Aik_Nisab #ایک_نصاب #TextBooks
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15 Sep
1 - Govt open to pardon for TTP : #Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi (Dawn 15 Sept 2021)

TTP & their links with #India & #USA explains PTI Leader Mr #FawadChaudhry

Ref : dailymotion.com/video/x16qkdr

#Daish #ETIM #FATF #Kabul #CPEC #OBOR #China #Talibans #Afghanistan
2 - Govt open to pardon for TTP : #Pakistan Foreign Minister #ShahMahmoodQureshi (Dawn 15 Sept 2021)

TTP & their links with #India & #USA explains PTI Leader Mr #FawadChaudhry

Ref : dailymotion.com/video/x16qjnk

#Daish #ETIM #FATF #Kabul #CPEC #OBOR #China
Govt open to pardon for TTP : #Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi (Dawn 15 Sept 2021)

PTI Leader Mr #FawadChaudhry links TTP with Chaudhry Nisar & PTI

Ref : dailymotion.com/video/x16qjnk

#Daish #ETIM #FATF #Kabul #CPEC #OBOR #China
Read 20 tweets
28 Aug
Former US Ally Late Maulana Sami ul Haq explains how #USA & CIA financed #AfghanMujahideen (1979 to 1989) through him & his seminary

Ref :

#Taliban #Talibans #AlQaeda #TTP #Daish #ISIS #Afghanistan #Pakistan #OsamaBinLaden
1 - Mr Kamran Khan is nowadays very fond of #Talibans | 8 years ago he used to explain the effectivity & importance of #USA #Drones against Terrorist #Taliban

Ref : dailymotion.com/video/x16m8uj |

#Taliban #Talibans #AlQaeda #TTP #Daish #ISIS #Afghanistan #Pakistan #OsamaBinLaden
2 - Mr Kamran Khan quotes US Senator & Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Dianne Feinstein on the effectivity of #USA #Drones against Terrorist Taliban

Ref : dailymotion.com/video/x16m8uj |

#Taliban #Talibans #AlQaeda #TTP #Daish #ISIS #Afghanistan #Pakistan #OsamaBinLaden
Read 47 tweets
27 Aug
1 - (7 May 2009) Renowned #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman & Kamran Khan jointly condemn #Talibans for #Terrorism in #Pakistan

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
2 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman says that #Talibans are Kharijite Terrorist & should be crucified

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
3 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman condemns those Islamic Scholars who support #Talibans Un-Islamic #Terrorism

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
Read 8 tweets
26 Aug
1 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil )

Ref : |
2 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil)

Ref :
۱ - (۲۱ اپریل ۲۰۱۱ دنیا نیوز) پاکستانی مسلمان بالخصوص وہ جو یورپ اور امریکہ میں رہتے ہیں اور وہاں سے بیٹھ کر #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں معلوم ہونا چاہئیے کہ دارالکفر میں رہنا حرام ہے ( مسند احمد ، ابو داؤد ، ترمذی ، اروالغلیل و صحیح البانی)

حوالہ :
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