@barisanhantu I've been researching Autism since my retirement & burn-out, which led to my diagnosis.
Most of us think mostly with a different, older, part of the Brain than NT's.
They call it "Thinking in Pictures", but it is much, much more.
Comparable with "Flow" + including Hyperfocus.
@barisanhantu >>According to my research, we do that, because the connection between this part of our brain and the newer neocortex (frontal lobe), where logic, time, language, social cue's and group-thinking is located, is easy to overload and not functioning properly.
So my advice is:
@barisanhantu >>like i do now,
When you are alone and in the here-and-now, stop trying to think in words. Look, listen and react on what's around you. Follow your routines, impulses and live in the Space around you.
I am at home on the Internet, like it is the space around me.
@barisanhantu >>Use word-thinking in communication with others that has a need for you and know that you are out-powered there by the majority of NT's. But you out-power them in the real world. Not in their Matrix of narratives from group-thinking.
I hope you find this helpful.
't Begon met #Caesar#Trump, die de Russisch Nordstream2 Pijplijn wilde blokkeren omdat hij duur Schaliegas aan Europa wilde slijten, per schip vanuit de VS naar Europa.
Opnieuw sterke stijging gasprijs, nu al 8 keer zo hoog als 'n jaar geleden:
Maar #Rusland wil de #Contracten met #Oekraïne voor #Gasdoorvoer niet langer verlengen, omdat die al een paar maal Russisch gas #Zelf gingen gebruiken in plaats van naar de EU door te sturen.
Bedrijven in de knel door extreem hoge energieprijs: