Why /Pol/? Anyone who has followed them knows they fit a certain motif – usually Jew haters, pro white.
They also have a nasty reputation for not wanting to piss them off.
Across the country and even across continents. And then tracked him to an art project overseas. We all laughed.
Ever stop to think just how they did it?
In reality, doesn’t that seem like something that not your average hacker should be capable of?
Movies glorify hackers as some super geniuses who can make anything happen with a few clicks of a keyboard.
The more criminal hackers boost information to use or resell for criminal purposes.
So, you want to tell me some hackers were able to triangulate Shia and the stupid HWNDU flag he was waving in record time? For shiggles?
(13) Most of those claims are e-peen strutting and bullshit.
And remember, the key here is SPEED.
if they weren’t caught for breaking into government computers looking for flight plans.
But at the rate it was done? Stop and think. Occam’s Razor. What’s more likely?
Or perhaps a group with more firepower and access did it? Something like an Intelligence Agency?
But who then? And why? Surely Intelligence Agencies have better things to do?
When it comes to disinformation, gaining your audience’s trust is a MUST. This was a child’s play way to do it.
So then, it also begs the question – why? What motive?
Remember #theStorm ?
EVERYTHING leads back to Russia.
They follow the same pearl-clutching tactics like Alex Jones, Cernovich, Posobiec, and the like
Take a nugget of truth, and weave a LOT of lies around it. That way, when called out,
You can say “See though, this part is true!” Thus people fall for the lies.
Overlay /Pol/ with what we know about Russia as a country, and you’ll see a lot of overlap ;)
We get sold “Soros! Rothchilds! Evil Saudis! 9-11!” and are told our military are globalists.
All distractions. And conveniently, all enemies of Russian interests…
He was seeing dollar signs in his eyes – almost like a cartoon, I bet.
Convenient, right? And to do it, all they had to do was distract from the real story.
We took FBIAnon to be a hero. He brought to light the Clinton Foundation crimes, right?
& he verified himself when he said something would happen on 11.11.16, &
FBI FOIA on twitter released papers on Trump, Tesla & other 4chan Memes in /Pol/
I posit this: What if, at the time even before Trump was elected,
Russia had intelligence that their connections to the Clinton Foundation would come to light?
Focus people on the more heinous, yet harder to prove tasks. Enter #PizzaGate and #Pedogate.
However, the reality is that without real evidence or surviving witnesses, it was always going to be hard to prove.
They hoped that it would cause enough of a disruption to avoid the crimes coming to light.
And people wouldn’t care. We’ve all been conditioned to accept corruption in government.
And with so many government people on the take, having someone from the FBI pull the anon gag, And even verify it would be no trouble at all.
And we take our eye off the ball. And Russia wins. Or so they thought.
#TheStorm is going to expose just how badly Russia owned our country.
The military is mostly patriots – it’s the one area Russia couldn’t completely buy.
Thus why we’ve been conditioned to hate our Military and neuter them.
All of this is my own opinion ONLY.
There are a LOT of moving parts. A LOT MORE fake people online than you realize.
This was all known before Trump ran.
#TheStorm is the culmination of the largest Military Sting operation in World History.
And even if God Forbid something happens to him, the Operation will press on.
Trump will have placed in Safeguards for that. Nothing will stop #TheStorm. FIN